Holy knights

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-Diane's POV-

Captain walked up the stairs to Elizabeth. King was still healing us, but it took of his strength.

"I still can't believe this is the real Captain. His real personality." I said crying.

"Don't cry Diane. He is a demon, he is emotionless like every other demons." King said.

"But I refuse to think every demon are heart less." I said.

"I will go and get help from the holy knights!" Hawk said and ran out of the boar hat.

"We need to help Elizabeth and Merlin!" I said.

"We can't." King said. I looked around. Ban was as more injured then me, but not as bad. I was not that injured, but really bad. Gowther was living, but in many parts laying little here and there. King was too exhausted because of the healing.

-Elizabeth's POV-

Sir Meliodas come upstairs when I yelled. I was so happy to see him. I have healed myself as much I could and was extremely tired. Lady Merlin was really injured. I was so worried about her in what condition she was in.

"What is it, you crazy women?!" He asked harsh.

"Sir Meliodas, please stop this. I don't understand why you do this to the people that love you." I said. His demon mark deactivated and he walked towards me.

"No, Elizabeth, don't let him get near you!" I heard lady Merlin say. She took all her strength to say that before she passed out.

Sir Meliodas come closer and closer to me. I got tears in my eyes.

"Elizabeth, you are right." He said and kneld down infront of me and took one hand to my cheek.

"I do hurt people and that is the best feeling in the world." Sir Meliodas continued as his demon mark activated again.

"T-then, let me..." I started. He looked at me and took away his hand. I took in his cheeks with both my hands and kissed him. I felt that he was shocked when he didn't move. Then I let go.

"I love you and if I am going to die, I want you to kill me and no one else." I said. Sir Meliodas backed away from me.

"You really are sick!" He said, then he tripped on Merlin's body and fell backwards. He stood up instantly.

"I will kill you here and now." He said and showed me Lostvanya.

"Then do it." I said. Then you could feel a magical power. Or more like many.

"Well, this will he fun." Sir Meliodas said and walked downstairs.

-King's POV-

Captain come downstairs before we was finished to heal. Then we could feel a magical power.

"Come out right here!" We heard the kings voice.

"This will be fun!" Captain said and walked out of the boar hat. We was injured, but we could still walk. We walked out to see every holy and not holy knight in the kingdom together with Camelot's.

"Everyone! Attack Meliodas!" King Bartra ordered. Captain smirked as everyone come to attack.

"Sorry old man, but I don't think you have heard about me and my doing." Captain said and attacked the knights. One knight was killed by the Captain every second. Blood poured from everyone where they was hit and then they fell to the ground out cold, dead.

"Sir Meliodas! How could you do this to everyone?!" Arthur asked.

"Easy, it's funny. I haven't have this fun in a while." Captain said laughing. Nearly every holy knight was dead. It was just the trio of troublemakers, Guila, Jericho, and one more I don't know. The rest was laying dead on the ground. Then it was the kings of course that is still alive.

"Sir Meliodas, why are you doing this? We trusted you." King Bartra said.

"For the 100th time, I do this 'cause it's fun and no one will stop me." He said.

"It's still not too late to come back Meliodas. I was thinking of you to be the next king of Liones." King Bartra said.

"No, I rather rule the demon clan." Captain said.

"Demon clan?! Have you got nuts?!" Howser yelled. Captain looked at Howser and the next second, he was kicking Howser in the face, making him fall to the ground.

"I don't think that I am nuts because I want to rule my fathers clan and take his place." Captain said and stamped his foot on Howser's neck.

Gilthunder attacked with his thunder, but it was reflected by full counter. Then Griamore used his shield magic to attack the Captain, but the Captain easily broke the shield with one punch.

"B-but just one have been able to... and then she landed about 50 punches at least." Griamore said shocked. Then the Captain took Griamore by the neck.

"Listen, I am not as the other weaklings like you and everyone else. It is only two persons who can beat me and that is my father and the Supreme deity." Captain said angry. You could see how terrified everyone was, especially Griamore and Howser who still was under Meliodas foot.

Then Meliodas let go of them.

"You are boring. Just go and die already, I want to fight someone who actually is a match." Captain said and walked away like nothing happened. He walked in the boar hat.

"What happened to him?" Guila asked.

"You 4! You will explain what happened to my 'future son in law'." Bartra said.

"What the- like he would ever." Ban joked, but not with any kind of smile or grin.

"What happened?!" Bartra asked.

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