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-Elizabeth's POV-

"Yes?" Meliodas asked sweetly with a small smile. His demon mark was slowly deactivateing. I could feel tears in my eyes. The breath of bless worked once again. I'm so happy about it. I wonder how long this will last.

I slowly stood up and walked over to him in the bed. Then I tripped and fell on the bed near Meliodas. He sat up.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded, got in front of him and hugged him.

"I-I, I don't know what I will say! I am so happy you are back Meliodas." I said. He slowly hugged me back.

"Elizabeth, I love you so much. I-I can't stand it if you are gone in my life. Just see you happy makes me happy." Meliodas said. I still had tears in my eyes.

"Y-you too! I love you Meliodas." I said, then the hug got a bit tighter as his demon mark come back. He continued to make it tighter and tighter. Soon, I couldn't even breath.

"I-I." I said. Trying to say that I can't breath.

"You really think I would say something like that? How stupid. I don't love you. Not one bit!" He said. Then he pushed me away from him, making me fall on to the floor.

He got on top of me and twisted me so that I was laying on my stomach. Then he started to stamp on my back. One, two, three, four, five times and it continued.

After about 15 stamps, he stamped on my sensitive spot and my wings showed. He took one of the wings, had one foot on my back and then started pulling in my wing.

I tried my hardest to not scream. I could feel one muscle after another rip off. Soon, one of my wings was laying beside me, bloody as it poured blood from my body where my wing should be.

Then he started doing the same with my other wing, but this was more painful because of the pain I already felt. When the last muscles was being ripped off, I didn't feel it. I have lost the feeling in my body on my back.

I didn't feel the wing rip off, I didn't feel the blood pour out of my body and I didn't feel his foot that held me down on my back.

"How the hell am I going to make you scream you bastard?!" He yelled at me.

"Y-you w-won't." I whispered before I past out of the blood lost.

-Meliodas POV-

I picked her up by the neck.

"Pathetic!" I said and throw her back in the corner. That a goddess like her would ever exist. She isn't worthy of living.

I felt a sharp pain in my head, but it was gone as fast as I got it. Something was missing, but what?

"Zeldris!" I yelled as I walked out of my room.

"Zeldris!" I yelled again.

"Yeah, yeah. What is it?" He asked annoyed.

"Where is that bastard of a father?!" I asked.

"In purgatory." Zeldris spoke.

"Purgatory huh? Doesn't that mean I am th-" I was cut off.

"Actually, that is exactly what it mean. You, Meliodas, my son in the temporarily Demon King from now on." I heard father's voice. I smirked.

"Temporarily?" I asked.

"Yes, until I come back to your world." Father said.

"Sure, let me be now." I said and walked away. This will be fun.

-Merlin's POV-

Where could Escanor be?! It have been two days and he is still not found! I flew over and looked. Then I felt a strong magical power.

"It feels like him." I said to myself as I started flying in that direction. I flew a bit faster as the magical power got stronger.

Then it all disappeared. I looked around.

"Where is it now?" I asked myself. Then I looked down to see a small man with orange hair. Escanor.

I flew down to him and he important recognized me.

"Lady Merlin. It have been long." Escanor said.

"Escanor, what did you just do?" I asked.

"Oh, I dropped those glasses I got from you a long time ago. That's all." He said.

"Oh, so you still have those? That explains why the magical power just stopped." I said. Then I felt a familiar strong power.

"Huh, so it was here the strong power I felt come from?" Captain said. He stood some meters away.

"Captain. It is so-" I cut Escanor off.

"Escanor, that is not our Captain." I said.

"What do you mean miss Merlin?" Escanor asked.

"What are you doing here Meliodas?!" I asked.

"You know, had boring being king and all, then I felt that strong power." He answered.

"So who could it belong to. Well, it's not you because I fought you before. That means it is you!" He said and pointed at Escanor.

"C-Captain? W-what d-do you mean?" Escanor asked.

"Captain? I guess you are one of the other irritating sins. Hope you are not as weak as every other." Captain said. I stood infront of Escanor.

"You are not attacking him." I said.

"Yeah, right. Just let this begin." Captain said while taking out his sword. I took of Escanor's glasses and he immediately grow to the big, muscular, prideful man.

"How dare you try to pick a fight with me? I will teach you of the respect you should have towards me!" Escanor said.

"Much pride for being so weak." Captain said.

"Much talk for being so small." Escanor said. He shouldn't have said that. He is in a big trouble now.

"What did you just say?!" Captain asked.

"Much. Talk. For. Being. So. Small." Escanor said.

"Oh, you will get for this." Captain said.

"Try you. I will go easy on you." Escanor said.

"You think I am so weak? Well, let start it then." Captain said as he pointed his sword at Escanor. He chuckled.

"Yeah." He said.

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