Dragomir Popescu

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Character Description: 2p!Romania is also both shy and arrogant. Archeologists: Curious and stubborn, often trying to discover ancient ruins or decipher ancient texts although his main personality is much like Dhampir and afraid of his vampire self, this is the more consistent personality but still to many varieties to distinguish his personality.

The beauty and the beautiful beast

The pain was too much, he looked down at his stake wound he got after he had gone out to take his revenge, but he had to leave now. And with a last glance, he left the burning town. Leaving his beloved. Being a vampire for years doesn't get easier by time.

It gets worse.

You closed the book and sighed. The story was heart breaking, a vampire who had lived for years waiting for his soulmate. Only to find her dead in his arms, after spending several days with her. And now he'll have to wait for his soulmate to reincarnate.

How you wished he can finally spend his soulmate's long and happy life. Sometimes you wish, fictions are sometimes real. Well, no one's stopping you from dreaming, right?

What you don't understand is every time you read this story, which by the way for at least a hundred times now, it always get you.

Like you have to read this and you have to realize something, you must.

But for the love of everything, you don't know. Is there something like a plot twist? And your writer side wants you to realize it. But you can't figure it out.

Deciding that the best way to think things through is to a wonder filled cup of coffee, so you prepared to go out and try out the new cafe shop just around the corner of your street.


The bell rings that signal the opening of the door. The shop only had a man on the counter serving an old lady her cup of coffee and today's newspaper.

You approach the counter and choose your coffee on the displayed menu on top of it. Smiling as you thanked the barista, you looked around for an empty seat. You make your way towards a two-seat table situated near the floor to ceiling window that displays the sunny park across the streets. You relaxed as you took a sip of your coffee and proceed to read the book you had snatched out before leaving your home. Unsurprisingly, it was the second book of the sad vampire novel you had finished for like a hundred times. You just got it a while back and you've been waiting for it to be published. The author hadn't given any indication that they'll make a second book since the ending seems really the ending. But then again, the ending doesn't really satisfy you.

You were halfway on your reading when you heard a voice addressing you. You looked up to see a brown haired man with hazel brown eyes framed with glasses. He was holding a tray of coffee and some biscuits and was looking at you nervously.

"May I help you?" You asked with a confused smile.

"Would you mind if I share a table with you? It's a bit crowded..." He trailed off as he looked around, you also noticed that while you were so engrossed with your reading you didn't realize the sudden burst of people wanting to have a fill of coffee. You looked back at the man, patiently waiting for your approval. Giving an embarrassed gasp, you motioned him to sit.

"Please, sit. I'm sorry I didn't realized that I've been for a while I was to engrossed with my book. Enjoy your meal." You stood up and quickly gather your things to leave.

"oh, I don't mind you sitting with me. You can still sit for a while, maybe finished a bit of your reading. I won't make a sound." He politely offered.

"Thanks for your offer but I also need to go now. I need to do some stuffs. You know, things people do to be miserable?" You joked.

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