Kiku Honda

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Two identical symbols

A paintbrush. A simple black paintbrush was imprinted on your body. A small, simple, and elegant paintbrush that means a lot to you

It never leaves your mind that a paintbrush connects you to your soulmate. That was the only link you had to your soulmate. And it made you relax to know that he's just there waiting for when the time comes for the both of you to see each other.

Reading manga was another way to relax. You read a manga book when your indoors, but when you're outdoors, you never fail to forget to leave your things unattended. That's why you'll lose them, so you stick to reading manga on your phone or tablet, always on your phone.

Sighing happily when the characters you read are having some lovely moments and giving a small chuckle when something comical happens You never did understand why you became so attached to reading manga when you just made yourself jealous or unhappy with yourself since the romantic scenes you always read would not happen to you for a little while.

Deciding that's it for today, you pocketed your phone and leaned on the bench as you inhaled a deep breath and looked up towards the sky. When you heard a click and a flash on you,

Turning, you saw a small and petite man (not as small as you or petite like you, more masculine than your figure) holding a camera aimed at you.

Seeing that you had caught him, he bowed, just like an Asian would do when apologizing. Looking at him more, he has neat jet black hair and a fair complexion. He looked like some of the characters you read about in the manga.

He approached and profusely apologized with a thick Japanese accent. He said he needs some preferences to draw, which confused you greatly, but ignoring it, you just nodded to show you forgive him.

When he suddenly raised his hand and said his name for the sake of befriending you, you saw it.

On his hand lay a small, simple yet elegant paintbrush. You sat there still looking at his hand when he suddenly called your attention.

Smiling you lifted your hand, the one with the paintbrush.

"Hi! Nice meeting you today, Kiku."


A/N: I'm okay if you help me another different AU. At least for the ten chapters I have different AUs, but you can still suggest your idea of a Soulmate AU, I appreciate it. I already have the common WatchAU, NameAU and WordsAU. I added SymbolAU and for the other AUs I made but some are ideas I actually ripped off on some other (Non-Soulmate AU) stories, put some changes and YOLO!!! Got a new AU!! But some are totally my idea. Enjoy!!


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