Luciano Vargas

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A/N: He's my first 2p!Hetalia I know when I first discover 2p!Hetalia, but since I love Ollie too much (also the cupcakes) he came as my 3rd favorite!!

Knives for you

Something is not right. You don't know what or why you felt something wrong. But when you opened the door of your apartment to go for an early jog with your dog, you felt that chills. You know those chills when you feel like someone's watching you and it gives you goosebumps. But having your dog as your company throughout the jog made you feel safe and secured. So enjoying the early morning fresh air you finished your jog with ease.

Your day turned out right and as you waved goodbye to your fellow workers you exited the coffee shop you worked in. That's when you realize that feeling of being stared at. Looking around you, you saw a man with dark auburn hair and chilling brownish red eyes smiling at you. You froze as if his presence gave off that he's somewhat familiar yet you only saw for the first time. He then looked at you one last time and then turned back to head to inside an Italian restaurant (well, that's obvious).

You saw yourself following him, yes you know the saying that don't follow or talk to strangers but this guy made you feel that you need to know him. Besides, that place is crowded so if he tries something you can just shout and ran away from there.

What surprised you is that, upon entering the restaurant a waiter immediately whisk you towards a table, serve you an iced tea and told you to wait for awhile.

You're about to stand up when another waiter suddenly appeared and place a plate of pasta on your table, which you told the waiter that he may had the wrong table since you didn't order it. When a sudden voice was heard.

"No, I ordered that... For you."

You're suddenly enveloped with a very sweet smell of Felicia daisy and delicious pasta sauce.

Looking towards the sound of  the voice, you saw the guy earlier, holding roses towards you.

"Bella raggazza, I'm glad to finally meet you." He then raise up his palm to display a beautiful image of Felicia daisy, tattoo on his palm.

Understanding was then seen in your eyes, has the guy took that as the signal to join you on the table.

"Luciano Vargas, Bella raggazza~" he said as he took your hands to kiss it.

You just smile as you look at your soulmate, it didn't even occur to you that your tattoo was place on your hips.

Or even the how red the sauce look as you smiled sweetly towards the man who grins at you.

'You're mine...'


A/N: Sorry if I'm doing this again even though I had an A/N above the story already so yeah... I hope you enjoy this and some of you guys suggested some characters to make. And I would like to inform you guys that I had this list of characters I'll write next. And some of yours are existing on my list so yeah, look forward to it. And I hope I can portray them as you like!! Thank you again for reading this book. And to those who requested, I'm doing it now!!

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