Emil Steilsson

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Two broken hearts

Two identical hearts that mend each other.

When you were born you are born to have a half heart, only to be whole again when your heart's desires was granted by your soulmate. And also every human has their very own unique colored half hearts, identical with their soulmate.

The problem is, today in your school, you had perform a lot of hero duties with all your heart. Which Arthur had said that my brother and I shared. And in the end of the day, you managed to gain a complete heart, glowing faintly. So with a weary smile and a good luck hug from your big brother, Alfred. You made your new mission.

Finding your damsel of a soulmate.

Several hours of seeking and talking with all the student body, you found no one.

Mission incomplete.

Knocking at your Norwegian best friend's home intend to rant at him. Lukas let you in, knowing what your intentions is. You loudly told him your stories, as he listen to you (halfheartedly).

When his brother, Emil. Enter the room, giving him a loud and happy hello and continued your heroine stories to Lukas. When he stared confusingly at your back. Giving him a funny and irritated look, you decided to looked back.

Only to see Emil, glowing. A white glow surrounded him. Giving him a confused look, he gulped.

Then suddenly, Emil lifted his dress shirt up, albeit blushing as you slowly saw a whole silver heart.

A glowing heart.

In a color of silver.

And a perfect whole heart.

That's when you had internally fist bumped in the air and check off one of your heroine to do list.

The search for your damsel of a soulmate, mission completed.


A/N: This one is crappy and I know you think so too. But the plot of having a half heart and soulmate is great, (I think so too). Well, thanks for reading this stuff!!

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Soulmate AU (Various!Hetalia X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora