Alisdair Kirkland

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Brief comparison: Allistor Ignatius Kirkland (Scotland) is a rugged Scottish character with auburn hair and green eyes, known for his independence and love for battles. Alasdair Kirkland (2p!Scotland), on the other hand, is a calm, composed character with auburn hair and blue eyes, valuing cooperation and harmony, and a refined taste in cuisine and art.

More Description for 2p!Scotland

Appearance: 2p!Scotland appears as a calm and composed character with neatly groomed auburn hair and serene blue eyes. He typically wears modern, formal attire, eschewing the traditional kilt and opting for business suits or stylish outfits.

Personality: 2p!Scotland is depicted as a laid-back and diplomatic character. He values cooperation and harmony, often seeking peaceful resolutions to conflicts. Rather than being confrontational, he prefers to engage in friendly discussions and negotiations with other nations, including England.

Character Traits: 2p!Scotland is known for his refined tastes, particularly in cuisine and art. He enjoys savoring fine cuisine from around the world and has a deep appreciation for classical music and literature. His interests are broad and diverse, reflecting his open-minded and cultured nature.

Painting the world blood red---

In the heart of Edinburgh, a city steeped in history and culture, you found yourself wandering through the cobblestone streets on a cool autumn evening. As the city lights illuminated the picturesque surroundings, you couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility wash over you. Little did you know that this serene night would lead you to an unexpected encounter with someone who would change your life forever.

Alasdair, the embodiment of the refined Scotland, had been attending an art exhibition at a local gallery. His cultured taste in art had drawn him to the city, and he was intrigued by the diverse and vibrant artistic expressions on display. Dressed in a tailored suit, he exuded an air of sophistication that was hard to ignore. He stands there contemplating, how the portrait he's looking at would look like with his collections.

As you both found yourselves standing before a captivating painting, your eyes met. Alasdair's serene blue eyes locked onto yours, and a gentle smile graced his lips. There was an undeniable connection, a sense of familiarity that transcended mere chance encounters. It was as if you had known each other in another lifetime.

And then, as you extended your hand to introduce yourself, your fingers touched. In that moment, a delicate, intricate flower tattoo bloomed on each of your chests, right above your hearts. It was a sign, a manifestation of your soulmate bond.

"Ah, the beauty of art," Alasdair remarked in his cultured and melodious Scottish accent. "It has a way of bringing kindred spirits together, don't you think?"

You nodded in agreement, your heart racing as you realized that the stranger she once thought would be just a passing acquaintance, turns out to be th soul that will entwined across time and space with yours.

The connection between you and Alasdair deepened over the following weeks. You discovered that he had a passion for classical music, and together, you attended orchestral concerts at historic venues. He introduced you to the world of fine dining, where the two of you savored exquisite meals prepared by renowned chefs.

However, beneath this enchanting façade, a shadowy secret loomed. Unbeknownst to you, Alasdair was not only a connoisseur of art and culture but also a mastermind in the world of high-stakes heists. He had been planning an audacious criminal heist, one that would require precision, intelligence, and, most importantly, trust.


One fateful evening, Alasdair revealed his hidden life to you. He confessed his involvement in the criminal underworld, but his eyes were filled with uncertainty as he asked for your trust and assistance. He needed someone he could rely on, someone who had captured his heart, to help him pull off the heist of a lifetime, his lover.

"I know this is a world you never expected to be a part of, Y/N," Alasdair admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "But with you by my side, I believe we can accomplish the impossible. Our souls are bound, and I trust you with my life."

The decision weighed heavily on you. Should you choose the path of adventure and danger with Alasdair, your soulmate from another time, or should you walk away from this enticing but perilous journey?

You looked at the delicate flower tattoo on your chest, a symbol of your destiny intertwined with Alasdair's. With a deep breath, you made your choice.

"I'll stand by your side, Alasdair," you said, taking his hand once more. "We'll face the future together, no matter what it holds."

And as you joined him in his world, your hearts beat in harmony, and you wondered how your newfound connection would shape the path ahead, bound by destiny and love.


A/N: I put small description for them. Since some of the characters I'm making doesn't really have a definite description for everyone. I made them based on my own interpretation, so some may or may not be familiar with you... Tell me everything you want to ask. Thank you so much for reading!! See you next chapter!!

P.S. I only like have 12 or 13 Male!Country and I'll have a surprise for you guys!! Look forward to it!!

~Haba naman neto, girl~

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