Egil Steilsson

615 23 2

A/N: Hi guys!! I hope your 50th chapter is good to your liking! And here I am again to add another more. And yes, I am so deeply sorry for your requests that I haven't been doing. But I assure you I will be doing it. And I'll try my best to make it worth your while. So I hope this one will be good enough for now. Thank you for understanding and enjoy!

Very important Note: Btw, you probably notice it, but I just still want to point it out. That I don't always write the Hetalia characters description like I don't write what colour is Their eyes or how difference the 2p! to the 1p! characters. (Lol, except for this chapter, because I need to tell the eyes) It's because I want you guys to imagine them to your own liking, or when I had a picture from Google-san or just because I'm lazy. Nah, kidding. There's a lot of you out there who describes Hetalia characters either from what other Hetalia fanfic writers describes them to be and you like that image or sometimes you had your own opinion to their description, that's why I do not describe them. And also because all the story is focus on the reader and I make it my goal to have the reader and the character to meet at the end because I don't like a lot of speech to use. I want to be like there's more to the story but then you'll eventually imagine what will happen if it continues and you all readers gonna be daydreaming for it. Well, except for the requested part two for some. And yes I'm sorry from my babbling.. it's just I miss you all 💚💚 well on with the story!! Enjoy!!

What colour are yours?

"This is the test where you'll know what colour you can't see. And that means that is the eye colour of your soulmate. Now, are you ready, (y/n)?"

You nod as the doctor pull out a white board where a chart shows different colours, although you think it's just the primary colours since the other colours would have some semblance of its primary colour.

And when you look at it, every colour was there except one.

The doctor said it was Red.

Soulmate AU (Various!Hetalia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now