Maddie Williams

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A/N: This would be the first girl!hetalia, I hope you enjoy it... Thanks!! And this was a request I saw at a comment... And since I'm writing offline and publish it when I go online, and I'm a busy bee so you can comment or pm me and I'll dedicate this to you!! Thanks for requesting!!

Your the Maple to my Pancake

You walked down the hallway away from your homeroom. Finally you had finished (you're the last one to finish) the seat work your teacher had assigned and you're going to the cafeteria to try and find if Mrs Hopkins had saved those maple flavored buns you always buy from her.

As you walk towards the cafeteria's door you gave Arthur, the school's student council president, a nod and proceed to enter the cafeteria. Walking towards the buns section. You greeted Mrs. Hopkins as you ask for your favorite food. Which she had happily took out inside her stall and grinning, place it on your tray while whispering 'free for my beloved regular costumer'. Shyly thanking her, you scanned the place to try and find a place to sit without too much noise and less crowded.

Finding one on the very end of the cafeteria, you make your way towards it. Now, its not that your a loner or something since your friend also wants a quiet place. Its just that, you much enjoy eating in peace. And...


That's the second reason.

"Did you wait long?"

Maddie Williams. Your best friend, your classmate, your science partner, your neighbor and your...

"So how's your soulmate searching?" Maddie ask. You smiled at her as you made an OK sign and gave her a piece of the maple bun as she gave you a spoon so you can take a bite from her green tea flavored ice cream. Your routines, always sharing each others foods. Not just foods, though. Also some things that the other needed. But what she didn't know that you had willingly shared to her for the longest time is your heart.

... Soulmate

You two had promised each other to not check out if both your key and lock bracelets are compatible. Her idea was weird, you don't know why at the time. But when that day when both of you are 12, during summer vacation. Both lying on the grass at the park, when she fell asleep you had unintentionally tried it out and what happened shock you, the both of you are soulmates. So you had asked her the reason.

"I don't know. Maybe because I... I just– oh whatever. I don't know. Maybe someday, we can try it. But not now."

And you never ask her again.

And as time flies by, she had tried to find others that are compatible but every time it was always futile. But she never ask you and you didn't either. That's how complicated it is.


"Hey..." Maddie hesitantly called as the both of you exit the school already walking back home.

"Yeah..." You replied confused at her hesitance. Is there something wrong?

"Could I... C-could we– Ah. Never mind." She bowed her head dejectedly. A blushed spread on her cheeks, which you understood the reason why. Your face also resembling the color of the tomato.

"D-did you mean.. Ah, c-could we try?" You asked as she shyly nodded.

"Then can we try it at the park?" You suggested and the both of you walk from the opposite of your way home.


The both of you sat down at the grass both looking directly at the sun setting. An awkward silence residing between the both of you. No one uttered a word or moved a muscle for the fear of embarrassing the other.

Suddenly the sound of a loud truck passing by, made the both of you jump from the noise. Looking at each other in shock for a minute and then laughing at how the both of you got so silent you two got spook by the noise.


"That's a wake up call" you smiled at her as she wiped away the tears she had while the both of you are laughing.

"Yeah, and we need to go home after this." She agreed and finished her sentence while slowly and shyly looking up towards you.

You smiled as she release her bracelet and motion you to do the same. Nodding out took it off your arms.

"Ready?" You asked.





A/N: Sorry I tried. 😢😢

Soulmate AU (Various!Hetalia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now