Allen Fucking Jones

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A/N: His middle name gave him a lot more of a badass sound. xD

My partner in crime

'Finally found you'

Well, if you're not an avid-gore movie lover. That line would be perfectly romantic in any way, shape, or form.

But no.

Abso-bloody-lutely NO.

The line strike you, as if some psychopath is going to kill you.

And you know what...

Well, just to make it clear. You don't swing on the bad side always, well sometimes if the main characters are so stupid and dumb to face some psychopath killer, then they did it to themselves.

Those lines, even though for you it feels like it had another meaning. It made your heart go 'doki doki' or like 'thadump thadump' because one day you'll saw him again.

Your soulmate.

The one you saw since the both of you are kids.

Yeah, dumb right?

But its not your fault that you're a kid in the middle of a large crowd whose so preoccupied on the two fallen identical soulmate watch, that you decided to grab it and show it to your parents leaving your poor soulmate alone.

'Honey, its okay you still have your tattoo...'

Like yeah, totally reassuring.

Well, I'm a bit thankful for that one backup plan destiny had given to me, this unique body of mine producing this two 'soulmate searcher'.Maybe it knows that I'd be stupid enough to leave someone important as a soulmate to stand in the middle of a crowded place.

To that I'm happy...

And irritated.

Cause you see...

I'm here on my room all alone watching all this horror movies, eating ice cream and some popcorn. While my friends are with their soulmates doing lovey dovey stuffs or some are in the process of locating their soulmates. Fun!!

I stood up from my seat to stretch my limbs as I turned off the TV and DVD player when I heard a small thud inside my kitchen. At first I got nervous, well who wouldn't? I watch a horror movie all alone in the middle of the night? But when I remembered I owned a cat. Which made me sighed in relief as I relaxed.

I bend down to clean and dump away the messed I made. When I heard another 'thud', this time a little bit louder to warrant my attention. Maybe sparkles, my cat, made another mess. Groaning I walk towards the kitchen, then I froze. Its not my cat I saw making a mess on my kitchen. There I saw the kitchen window open, making the room illuminated by the moon, did that ryhme?, and a silhouette of a man was there. We stood there for a minute and when I gain my senses I immediately grab the nearest thing beside me. A spatula.

A freaking spatula.

Yes, cause I'm Spongebob, and that's threatening.

I was about to wield my weapon when suddenly he made a move towards me. So I closed my eyes and suddenly I was hugged.

"Finally found you."

Wait, that sounds familiar. And it suddenly hit me like Miley's wrecking ball.

"No way." I said as he pulled away.

"Yes way, doll~"


A/N: Woah, this turned out to be long. But I'm happy about it. Its been so long since my last update so make it up to you guys. I just let all my thoughts for this. Every words written, came straight to my mind, without my notebook. Its funny. Lol, and sorry if the snide remarks and sarcastic comments are a bit, you know... But I'm just full of words now. So thank you all for those who waits for my updates, the one who still reads, votes and commented. Thank you~ Stay awesome guys!! 😘😘😘

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