"Look, I don't think I'm gonna have fun with this," Keira insisted and she was crossing her arms and shook her head at me again and again.

This was the first time she firmly declined me, but I might make her do this with me. Somehow, a tall and independent lady acting out like that made me laugh a little. It was so much fun to find out this side of her.

"Come on, Paragliding is so much fun. It isn't as scary as you thought," I assured her.

"You don't even know how much I'm afraid of height," Keira argued and slightly frowned a little. I couldn't help but keep laughing and she seemed didn't get entertained and looked at me with her poker face. Well, that was even worst. I tried to stifle my laughter but snorted out loud as she eventually broke into a hearty giggle.

"Well, I'm not gonna change my mind even if you made me laugh," Keira said as she tried to subtle her laughter.

"Do you think I'll change my mind either?" I challenged her with a smirk.

"Try me," she smirked in return and arched one of her attractive trimmed and shaped dark eyebrows.

I took a step closer to her as she seemed to want to backward, but she didn't. She still remained her attractive powerful expression and looked at me. I started playing my game, put my hands on her shoulders, and tried to explain, "Trust me, Keira. This is so much fun and relaxing, it won't be as scary as sky diving. I had tried both."

"I won't trust anything related to the theory of the height in the sky, Ophelia," Keira insisted.

"Well, I'm surprised you are never afraid of taking a flight," I stated in amusement.

"Because that's the only transport can fly me to place for another place and travel," Keira explained dryly. 

"Right, paragliding is just a mini transport that can fly us to the mountain for another mountain to see the beautiful world," I concluded smugly and she sighed and I shot my most powerful puppy eyes at her, "Pretty please, you won't regret to have fun with this!"

Keira's gray eyes gazed at me and she seemed to like having a self-debate. I could tell this magic face of mine might work. I pleaded again, "Please, I have been looking forward to taking this ride with you. It's worth trying."

The dark-haired beauty broke a light chuckle as she said in defeat, "Fine, fine. Just one time for you."

I couldn't help but squeal and pulled her into a tight hug, "Yes! Thank you!" I drew away from her and I quickly took her hand as I started walking us to the station and said, "Come on, let's hurry and get going before you change your mind!"

"Open your eyes, Keira. It's breathtaking," I said loud enough for her to hear and I could tell her body was tense and stiff with her hands gripping the straps like they were the dearest to her life.

"I'm good, Ophelia. Just enjoy the view, alright?" Keira responded with her shaky voice.

I leaned in closer to her and I assured her, "Relax, Keira. Try to take a few deep breaths and opened your eyes. You'll gonna love this."

Keira took a long inhale as she breathed out, "Okay, I'll try." She seemed to do a silent prayer, and she eventually said breathlessly, "Wow! It's so beautiful!"

"I told ya," I giggled and looked at her, "Do you like it?"

She was smiling widely and her gray eyes were trailing the view as she turned to me and nodded her head at me gaily, "I love it. Flying above the highland is surreal and it's not as scary as I thought."

"I'm glad I didn't get you disappointed. Now, can you say cheese to your left side, please?" I grinned at her and she did as I told, and I took a picture of us with a go-pro camera.

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