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Why am I so nervous?

Yoongi waits by the seating area in the lobby, where people flood in to buy tickets and cinema snacks. He already has too tickets in his hand, and he's read over every single word on the small pieces of paper three times while he anxiously waits for his date- I mean Jimin.

Today Yoongi made the extra effort to wear something that isn't just his usual black hoody. Though he still wears his black ripped jeans, he settled with a simple shirt and brown leather-y jacket to go over it.

While he is busy stuck in his head, rehearsing a few potential lines, Yoongi never notices Jimin enter the lobby.

The younger spots him sitting alone staring at the tickets and smiles to himself before he goes forward to meet him.

It's only when Yoongi sees two shoes step into his vision that he looks up, meeting eyes with the angelic figure in front of him.

"Hey" Jimin smiles.

Yoongi unknowingly eyes Jimin up and down, almost forgetting to speak. "Hi" he says.

Jimin wears denim jeans and a dark polo neck, complimented by a belt and a long fitted coat.

And all Yoongi could think was

Man he looks good

"We're you waiting long?" Jimin asks

"Oh no, not that long"

"I didn't realise you were going to buy both tickets yourself! How much were they? Here let me pay you back"

Yoongi stands up in a hurry just as the younger reaches into his pockets. "No, you don't have to. Its fine. Its my treat"


"Really, it's fine" yoongi chuckles.

Jimins hand slowly begins to retreat from his pocket. Yet, not a second later, his face lights up and he's pulling out his purse.

"..well, if you got the tickets... that means I can get the rest!"

"The rest?... wait Jimin-"

The younger is already marching towards the counter, yoongi trailing behind. He joins Jimin in the queue, watching him as he squints to read the drink menu.

"What do you want? Soda? Oh! Should we get some popcorn?" Jimin asks excitedly.

When he receives no response, Jimin turns to his side to see Yoongi looking directly at him with the corners of his mouth curled up. The older embarrassedly averts his eyes and swallows inwardly.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? Do you really like popcorn?"

Yoongi brings back his gaze to the younger but this time with a confused expression. "Huh?"

"I asked you if you wanted some popcorn...?"

"Oh, sure."

"I'll get some to share"

"O-oh, ok"

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