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Yoongi is nervous to say the least. He had sort of gotten used to meeting Jimin in the usual places like college and at the bus stop, so meeting somewhere different might be out of his comfort zone. But Yoongi couldn't pass down this opportunity, no way.

So here he is, sitting in the smoothie bar not far from his college, on a table right in the corner of the room, waiting for Jimin to arrive.

Jimin isn't late, Yoongi was just early.

When the boy did arrive though, Yoongi's eyes widens. Jimin walks through the door in the cutest little outfit ever. He has a huge oversized  pink hoodie with a simple pair of jeans and trainers. Ok, so maybe it is just an ordinary combination of clothing— but Jimin made it so much better. 

Jimin smiles as soon as he sees the older and trots over to where he was sitting and takes a seat down opposite him.

"Were you waiting long?"

Yoongi shakes his head no.

He's out of my league. Out of this earth.

Jimin smiles again and Yoongi can feel his heart skip a beat.

"Shall we order then?"

After searching through the menu and ordering a drink and something to eat, Yoongi was struggling to speak as every time he looked at the younger, his stomach did flips.

Unsurprisingly there is still some sort of unspoken tension between them. Despite Yoongi apologising, he couldn't help but feel like he hadn't cleared things up, and Jimin noticed the moments Yoongi would get lost in his worrying thoughts.

Truthfully, Jimin hasn't been able to stop thinking about it either. If it was confusing for Yoongi, then it was ten times more confusing for Jimin.

"Uh, Hyung..?" Jimin starts, causing Yoongi to lift his head. "there's actually something that I wanted to ask you"

Of course Yoongi knew what this was. He nods for the younger to carry on, despite his heart overworking big time. He was afraid what this might lead to.

"Well, i know you, um, apologised the other day.." Jimins voice almost cracks. "And that I said it was ok, but... truthfully I'm still a little confused..."

This is probably awkward for him.

After rambling Jimin just decides he needs to just get to the point. Yoongi anxiously waits for the question despite knowing every word the boy was about to say.

"Why did you kiss me?" Jimin asks, words shaking a little on the word kiss.

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