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"Want a Drink? Tea?"

Jimin follows Yoongi into his living room once again. He shakes his head to the question and waits till Yoongi gestures towards the sofa, as though to say you can sit down. Yoongi sits down next to him, leaving a bit of distance between them. He feels a bit on edge after remembering what happened here last time.

"Um, are you hungry? We have snacks"  Yoongi speaks up again after some silence.

Jimin shakes his head again, "I'm fine, but thank you"  he says.

The conversation crumbles, just like that. Yoongi examines the room as though there may be some inspiration for a new topic of conversation somewhere, anywhere! But his mind is so focused on how exhausted jimin looks and even seemingly upset over something - that is if he was reading him correctly - that Yoongi can't think of a single conversation starter at all. He turns back to the younger, asking one more time. "Are you sure everything's ok?"

Jimin just stares at his hands in his lap. There's a pause before he answers. "Yeah, everything's fine"

Yoongi didn't feel convinced. "Did something happen?"

The younger stays silent, and Yoongi suddenly begins to worry that he's asking too much. "Sorry, I'll stop bothering you. I was just.."

Jimin turns to him when he doesn't finish the sentence.

Worried about you.

Yoongi moves on quickly like normal, instead of finishing his sentence. "Do you want a drink? Ah— I've already asked that"

When he saw Jimin crack a tiny smile, Yoongi couldn't help but smile with him— he realises the boy was probably laughing at his mistake but it felt more than relieving to see Jimin smile for the first time today.

"You're not bothering me." Jimin says earnestly. It takes a few seconds for him to continue. "Nothing that serious happened. Just a few things happened in class today."

Once again Yoongi can't help himself from asking, "a few things...?"

Jimin glances towards him, before his eyes landed back on his lap. "Mistakes. Then their consequences."

This time Yoongi doesn't ask anything else. He tells himself he has asked too much. Yet why has Jimin's words only left him with more questions?

Whether Jimin senses that Yoongi is still asking questions in his head or not, he doesn't know, but for some reason the younger continues without his help.

"I messed up, is the short answer to your questions. Maybe this dream really isn't for me? I'm not good enough." The younger half heartedly chuckles to himself, but Yoongi doesn't find it funny.

Yoongi frowns. "Who says you aren't good enough?"

"Everyone... everyone in my class"

"That can't be true, Jimin, for one your friends definitely wouldn't say that."

Jimin seems to shrink in the chair, little by little. "Yeah.... I know..." he mumbles. "It just seems like the whole world is against me right now. It's...,ah Nevermind, it doesn't matter"

Yoongi reaches out and places a hand on top of Jimins own. He was originally aiming for the thigh (not that his thigh was any better of an idea) but for some reason it was only after he had done it that Yoongi realises that whatever he was holding was too small to be someone's leg. However despite as much as he mentally curses himself, Yoongi pretends he did it on purpose and chooses not to move.

Jimin only turns to him with surprise, ears turning red and mouth parted.

"Jimin if it's those students that are bullying you again, you really should tell someone. Just because you have made a few mistakes, doesn't mean they have the right to tear you down. Everyone makes mistakes, so what?"

"You don't understand, I make too many mistakes. Dancers aren't supposed to make mistakes. I let the whole class down"

Yoongi fights the urge to argue against that, but decides not to.

"Jimin." Yoongi speaks up after a moment of silence, he waits for Jimin to look him in the eye, hoping he'd see how sincerely concerned he was. "Did you spend all that time practising over time?"

He almost thought Jimin wasn't going to answer, but with a bit of hesitation Jimin nods his head silently.

Yoongi didn't wait another second before he replies. "Then you should rest"
With that he stands up, grabbing Jimin's hand as he goes.

Yet Jimin refuses to move. "No, hyung, it's fine! I promise I'm fine here with you. I don't want to trouble you anymore"

The younger gently tugs his arm to sit down again, which of course Yoongi did. Jimin twisted his body round so that he was facing Yoongi more, "I'll rest when I get home, right now I don't want to sleep"

Yoongi's face softens again when he sees Jimin's gaze so he nods, despite still wondering if Jimin has over worked himself.

Yoongi realises he's still holding the boy's hand and lets go awkwardly.

The room falls quiet again, and the older struggles to think of a subject to talk about. Maybe something funny, to cheer the boy up.
His eyes fell on the younger again as Jimin looked around Yoongis house, catching his perfect side profile.

When Jimin notices he was looking his way, he opens his mouth as though to say something but quickly shuts it.

Yoongi can't seem to take his eyes away, as though he's in a trance, and continues to gaze at him. He notices a pink tint on Jimins cheeks which matches his glossy lips.

Jimin doesn't turn away either and soon Yoongi realises the both of them hadn't moved for a while.

He's is about to say something when Jimin finally beats him to it.

"Hyung, Do you remember how... how you said you'd do anything I told you to?" he asks timidly. Yoongi hums in response

"No questions asked, right? You'll do it for me?"
For some reason Yoongi feels a weird sensation, as though he knows Jimin's about to ask something big. What is he getting at?

Yoongi hums again, "what do you want me to do?"

Jimin takes a deep but shaky breath.

"kiss me"

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