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Yoongi wipes his hands down his jacket as he walks down the hall, closer to the dancing studio.

He waits outside, tapping his foot against the floor nervously.

Just calm it , he tells himself.

Jungkook is one of the first students to leave the studio, and he seems pretty annoyed too.

"Hey, um.."

The younger doesn't even spare a glance at him as he continues to walk away but he manages to grumble a "He's not here" as he does so.

Yoongi furrows his brows. Jungkook is too far gone, but the rest of his friends soon walk out of the door too. Yet again with no Jimin.

They spot Yoongi standing there immediately and sneak a glance at each other.

After quickly clearing his throat, Yoongi steps forward. "Is Jimin still in there?"

Now Taehyungs eyes drops to his feet and Yoongi is starting to get a bad feeling.

"No, sorry, he's not here" Seokjin is the first to say.

"Then, uh, how about later? Or tomorrow?" Yoongi asks, with a bit of hope in his voice.

This time Taehyung answers, and he looks at Yoongi with something in his eye that he can't quite work out. "Jimin hasn't attended dance for the last week. He said he's decided to quit"

"What?" Yoongi said in disbelief. "Are you serious?"

Taehyung simply nods, Yoongi was hoping for a little more information to be completely honest.

"Why are you so interested?" Seokjin asks suddenly, narrowing his eyes on Yoongi as he eyes him up and down. Taehyung taps his friend, as though to say that's enough, but yoongi can't really blame him for being concerned.

Seems like Jimin never talked much about him.

Taehyung speaks up again, yoongi assumes he sensed that he still had questions. "He still takes history. So if you want to catch him after class, you better go there instead. He'll be there tomorrow"

"A-ah thank you" Yoongi gave a brief nod before stepping back, allowing space for the two boys to leave.

As he watches their backs, he thinks back to the past few days, realising only now that he hadn't seen Jimin at the bus stop.

How could I not notice? He asks himself.

Is he really going to quit?

Jimin had always practiced relentlessly, five days a week he would be in that very studio dancing for long hours- and from what Yoongi saw, perhaps longer than other students- yet he said he was going to quit? So suddenly? Yoongi couldn't work it out. A boy so passionate about dancing, so passionate about performing well....

Quits his dream out of nowhere...

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