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Are you not in college today?

Yoongi sends the message as he waits outside the studio. The message is taking forever to send, but he wants to wait where he is just incase.

When the lunch bell rang, he saw all the dance students flood down the hall, including Jimins friends. He watched them walk past him in a group, two of them with linked arms, and like usual, Jimin wasn't with them.

So when Yoongi strolled into the dance studio only to find Jimin isn't there either, he scratched his head and walked out.

From what he had gathered over all this time, Jimin isn't one to skip classes but Yoongi can't help but wonder whether this is to do with what happened yesterday.

He checks his phone again to see if the message had sent. It has, finally!

Jimin doesn't reply though.

Yoongi waits there for the whole of lunch (like an idiot; his words, not mine) and yet still no reply.

It's about the time for students to head back to class before the lesson starts again and Jimins group of friends come down the hall, laughing amongst another.

After knowing that they had already seen him once, Yoongi tried to awkwardly avoid their gaze and act as though he wasn't just waiting there for someone who didn't turn up.


Yoongi looks up, wondering who that was directed at (it was a habit).

The hallway is fairly empty, but Jungkook stands in front of the door facing Yoongi's way.

"Are you talking to me?" Yoongi says After looking either side of the hall. He didn't expect the answer to be-

"Yeah?" The younger replies in a way that said 'of course you, are you stupid?'.

"Shouldn't you be a little more respectful?" Yoongi laughs almost in disbelief (and to break the awkwardness).
Wasn't this kid younger than him? He may be taller than yoongi, but that's no reason to talk down to him.

Though Jungkook seems to ignore that and continues what he started. "He's not here."


"I said he's not here. Jimin hyung."

Yoongi inwardly swallow. Oh.. wait he calls Jimin hyung and says yah to me?

"I gathered.." the older mumbled.

Jungkook stares at him for a bit longer before clearly deciding his job is done and silently goes to open the studio door.

"Ah wait, can I ask why? ..Why he's not here? Is he OK?"

The younger turns back around and answers, to Yoongis surprise.

"He hurt his leg yesterday so he's not going to be in for a couple days."

"Ah.. right. Ok, thanks" yoongi says, earning a brief nod from Jungkook before he disappears into the studio.

The bell rings shortly after and Yoongi makes his way over to his next classroom somehow feeling a little concerned but also relieved. But most of all, he hopes Jimin will text him back soon.

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