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Yoongi comes out his English class an hour later, feeling the effects of a bad sleeping schedule more than ever.

With a new and improved headache, he heads straight to the toilets, wanting to splash his forehead with something cold. That was his only class of the day, luckily, but he didn't plan to go home just yet.

In the toilets, Yoongi went straight to the sink and mirrors and cooled down his hands and face with cold water. When he lifts his head he realises there is a small scratch just about his left eyebrow to his temple.

Yoongi frowns. Taehyung hits way too hard, He thought. Did he really have to hit me with his bag?
Yoongi knew he probably deserved it, but a slap to the face would have been more preferred than being scratched by zips and buckles, and hit on the head with the weight of stack of hard textbooks.

What does he even have inside of there anyway? Why is it so heavy?

After patting his hands dry, Yoongi makes his way out of the restrooms and takes a right turn. There was only one place that he hoped Jimin would be. If he's not there, Yoongi was just going to have to aimlessly wonder around the college until he eventually bumped into the younger.

Hes not here. Yoongi backed away from the history classroom, feeling slightly more worried. That was the only place he was certain Jimin needed to be. Jimin had already stopped attending dance classes– it was no use looking there.

So Yoongi simply sticks to the plan and begins wondering down each hall and checking each room. Along the way he pulls out his phone and checks his messages.

Yet this time he sends something.

Where are you right now?

Can I see you for a sec?

The messages are still loading when Yoongi catches a glimpse of something through the doors to the sports field. He stops in his path and moves towards the windows. Sitting on a bench, back facing the school building, is what looks like Jimin. The boy has his backpack in his lap as his legs dangle from the seat. He's sat alone, and almost too still for someone who is usually quite fidgit-y.

Yoongi's heart sinks to his stomach.

He fears more about what Jimin may think of him now. What If he was right– what if Jimin doesn't want to talk to him? What if Jimin doesn't want to even look at him?

Shaking his head, Yoongi replaces those thoughts with what Taehyung had said to him, followed by the thought of hit by a bag, and found the confidence to step outside.

He was now outside, and he would hate himself if he turned back. So Yoongi cautiously approaches the bench, walking to the other end where there was a large enough space for another person (perhaps two).

It's only when he's closer that Yoongi notices the jacket the boy is wearing.

Even after all this, Jimin wore the old jacket with the stitches on the shoulder, the one Yoongi gave to him.

After letting out one last deep breath, Yoongi finally walks around to the front of the bench and quietly takes a seat next to the other.

He sees Jimins face turn out the corner of his eyes, only for his gaze to return back to the sports field.

"I guess it stopped raining" Yoongi says, after a good couple of some very silent minutes.

"Mmh" Jimin hums, only just loud enough to hear.

There's another long pause until he speaks again. "Did you bring an umbrella? Incase it rains again?"

"You don't need to make small talk" Jimin said quietly.

Just as Yoongi goes to opens his mouth, Jimin snaps his head towards the older and starts again in a more confident tone than before. "How could you think I was using you? Hyung, that..." His voice turns a little shaky as he comes to a stop, and his gaze falls to his lap. However the second they return to Yoongi's face, Jimin's expression changed within an instant, as though he had just seen something even more dreadful. 

"what? what is it?" Yoongi asked hurriedly, before turning to look behind him. Did he see someone? 

"no... no sorry. I just- I saw- what happened to your face?"

"huh?" he turns back with a puzzled face, he had already forgotten the scratch above his brow. But then Jimin reaches out and brushes a few strands of Yoongis hair to the side to see it more clearly. "o-oh... that." His touch was so gentle that Yoongi could barely feel it, he could tell Jimin didn't want to hurt him - which would be very difficult to do, considering it was only a scratch, but he found it sweet. Jimin pulls back his hand after realising what he was doing. 

"what happened? does it hurt?" Jimin questions again.

"no-  well it did, but now it doesn't-"


"its nothing, I swear. I just had a brief... meeting? with taehyung"

Now Jimin's face is filled with bewilderment. "what? Tae hit you?!"

"well.. yes, with his bag. But I did deserve that"

"why did he hit you?"

"for the same reason we're here. for what I did to you." Jimin lets out a small 'oh..', averting his eyes back to the floor. "Which is what I came to apologise about. I'm so sorry. I had just misunderstood practically everything and was stupid enough to believe that. I'm a certified idiot. but I also didn't want to lie to you... I just didn't get chance to explain"

Jimin remains silent for a moment, but with caution, he eventually asks "Do you still believe it..?"

"No. Not one bit" Yoongi replies without a second delay. 

The younger's eyes flicker up to meet his again. Yoongi attempts a little smile, hoping the younger can see his sincerity somehow. 

"hyung.." Jimin starts, edging a little closer. He shifts his right hand so that it's by his side, picking at a piece of chipped wood on the bench.

"Hyung..I really liked you"

And with that Yoongis heart drops to his stomach.

Stumbling over his tongue, he can't stop the word from falling out of his mouth.


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