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He had messed up.

He had messed up big time.

Just when Yoongi thought he was on his way to make everything right, to make everything better.

Of course it ended like this, he should have known better.

Walking into his bedroom, Yoongi slams the door behind him and throws his phone onto the bed. He waits only a few seconds before rushing to pick it up again, unlocking it and going straight to his messages. His fingers attacking the screen to type out a long winded explanation... only to delete it all, word after word.

Yoongi slumps down on the bed, knowing it was all hopeless. He doesn't see the point, Jimin wouldn't want to talk to him, would he? Why would he?

Oh the irony of the days Yoongi called Jimin clumsy, when he was the worst of them all. No, Yoongi thought, I'm just an idiot. Completely stupid, there's a difference. Jimin had lovely qualities, he was sweet, caring and honest.
And yet, Yoongi still had temporarily believed Jimin had deceived him.

The older wished oh so badly that he could explain all the doubt and guilt he felt, but he knew that would only be seen as excuses. Even if he knew he wouldn't dare believe it now, Yoongi couldn't deny that he did back then. 

He screwed up and he didn't know what to do now.

Lying on his bed, he turns over and curls up on his side. Yoongi can't stop replaying the pained expression on Jimins face in his mind. Followed by the way the younger looked as though he was holding back every single emotion he possibly could before silently boarding the bus with his hand tightly clenched. The way he sat on the other side of the bus and stared the opposite way, purposely avoiding any glimpse of Yoongi, who was outside watching from the window with an immense amount of regret.

Yoongi tries shutting his eyes and imagining something else, but it's useless. He was even ashamed to admit he cried– just a little, before he wiped his eyes and that was it.

He wasn't a crier. At least he didn't want to be.

By the time his mother had came home, Yoongi had fallen asleep. It was one of those naps, the sort where you don't want to be awake so you resort to sleeping and hope you wake up the next day.

Though unfortunately, when Yoongi did wake, it was still the same horrible day. After checking the time, the second thing he does is check his messages on the off chance Jimin had sent something. Anything.

Yoongi switches his phone off again when his expectations were met. Nothing had been sent, by either of them, and he guessed it would stay that way from now on.

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