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Yoongi chokes, eyes wide. "H-Huh?" He splutters

" You said you wouldn't ask questions." Jimin says, eyes shimmering as though he might cry if Yoongi didn't kiss him in the next second.

"I'm not" Yoongi swallows, his mouth was so dry it hurt and his heart was pumping at incredibly speeds. The way Jimin was still staring at him with seriousness, made it clear that this was by no means a joke.

The older was at such a loss for words, his mind was spinning.

But Jimin was right,

Yoongi had promised to do as he asked without any questions.

So cautiously, he leans closer and presses his lips against Jimins, so gently, so soft. Jimin closes his eyes, completely melting into his touch and even more so when Yoongi decides to cup his cheek with his hand. Yoongi practically forgets everything else that had happened and was only focuses on how much he would love to kiss Jimin like this more often. The younger allows Yoongi to take the lead, he didn't care what the boy did, he just wants to feel the same sensation again.

Yet it's cut short when Yoongi pulls away.

With a small gasp, and Jimins eyes fluttered open confused over the sudden movement. Jimins lips were parted, looking oh so temptingly pink and plump, and his cheeks were flushed red—

"J-Jimin I—" Yoongi immediately began as soon as he backs away, taking his hand off the boys cheek. Yoongi isn't quite sure what to say, the situation felt odd, he doesn't want to misunderstand. "I Uh...why did you—?"

"Hyung, why did you stop?" Jimin mutters as he scoots closer one more time but Yoongi stops him.

The older shakes his head runs his hand through his hair, stressfully tugging on his hair. "No, Jimin, seriously– why did you ask that?"

Jimin then frowned. "You said—!

"I can't help it! I didn't expect you to ask that– I thought you–you... I just need to get a few things straight first"

"What things..." Jimin mumbled. "I thought you got it"

He looks hurt, sad, maybe even annoyed.

Yoongi regretted saying anything. Should have just kissed him.

Jimin stood up, looking tense with his hands scrunched up into small fists as though it would stop him from crying. Yoongi's mouth dropped open, he needed to apologise but he was just so confused and frustrated, he didn't know how to think rationally. He thought Jimin hadn't liked the first kiss and suddenly he was asking him to do it again. Yoongi was trying really hard not to mess anything up.

"I-I thought maybe you..."
Jimin can't seem to finish his sentence, tears threatening to fall. "Nevermind hyung, im sorry to bother you"

With that the younger dashed out of the living room and hurriedly slipped his shoes. Yoongi quickly ran to follow him, not knowing what to do

Should I stop him?

Yoongi pulls out his phone and checks the time while the younger struggles to get his heel in his shoe without untying his laces. "Jimin, you still have twenty minutes until your bus arrives"

"So?" Jimin mutters.

"So can we just talk?"

When both shoes are finally on, Jimin stands up straight. "Hyung, I'm sorry being bothersome. I'll wait for my bus outside."

Before Yoongi could dare to make another move, Jimin adds "you don't need to help me catch the bus this time. I'm not going to be late"



All Yoongi could do is nod, while Jimin takes one last glance before leaving his house, closing the door behind him.

With a tight grip on his phone, he lets out a frustrated groan before making his way upstairs to his bedroom where he peers out the window. Jimin walks up to the bus stop and leans against the shelter with his hands covering his face.

Yoongi moves well away from his window hoping he wouldn't feel so tempted to look.  That would only hurt him more.
He ran a hand through his hair and threw his phone onto his bed, heading back downstairs without it.

You weren't supposed to make him more upset, he thinks to himself as he walks to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

Later that day, while  Yoongi is thinking of every possible way to apologise, upstairs his phone lights up with a message from Jimin.

I'm so sorry about the way I acted today I've just had a really bad day... I hope we won't have any hard feelings against each other..

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