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"The hospital?! Why are you there?" His mum squeaks over the phone. "Have you injured yourself? Is anyone with you?"

Yoongi sits on a chair in one of the hospital corridors, phone to his ear while he watches doctors and visitors pass by.  "No, I haven't injured myself. I'm just here for a friend, but it's a long story. So don't wait up for me if you and dad want to have dinner"

"A friend? Oh you mean Namjoon??"

"its not namjoon, it's another friend."

"I didn't know you had another friend?"

"Mum..." he doesn't know to reply to that, considering how Namjoon was in fact his only friend at one point. "Yeah, I have other friends.... is that all you got from this? Anyway, mum I'm going to hang up now, okay?"

"Alright. See you when you get home"

He shoves his phone into his pocket after ending the call. Then he lets out a yawn, leaning back into his chair.

Only a few minutes later, Yoongi spots Jimin exit the doctors office and walk down the corridor towards him. He stands up almost immediately and flashes a smile, hoping to keep the mood light whatever the news is. Jimin doesn't look that sad but he doesn't look particularly happy either, so for a moment Yoongi feels the worry grow back inside of him.

Jimin stops in front of him, a big pout on his lips. "What is it? Is everything okay?" Yoongi asks, his smile fading with worry.

However, all Jimin does is hold up his plastered finger towards him. "They pricked my finger" the younger says in a small child-like voice.

It took a moment for Yoongi to register what he meant. "Is that all?" He laughs. "You mean they did a blood test? You made me think that there was some kind of bad news"

Jimin stops pouting and brings back his hand, staring down at the plaster. "Well, there is something... they said I should take a break from dancing for a day or two."

"That shouldn't be much of a problem. I mean, it's for your health— that's what matters right? Anyway let's get out of here and head home"

Yoongi turns to walk towards the exit, jimin quickly following and brings the topic back up. "Hyung, you don't understand. I have a lot of pressure to perform well—even my own teacher is losing faith in me! I just need to practise and practice and practice and—"

"You need to rest at some point" Yoongi says, facing the younger as they walk." just because you think you're struggling at the moment doesn't mean you still can't look after yourself."

Jimin closes his mouth and stays silent, eyes turning away from Yoongi and down to the floor.

"Trust me, your body will appreciate it once you lay off the dancing for a while"

Jimin gives a small nod as though to say he understands but says nothing more. They walk in awkward silence for what seems like a long time until they reach the bus stop, where they wait under the shelter for the next bus.

Surprisingly, the bus arrives not long after and the two of them get on, scanning their cards. Yoongi sits down nearer the back of the bus, and moves along to the window seat so Jimin could sit with him. They smile to each other as they sit down and the bus starts moving.

"Thank you for coming with me" Jimin says beside him.

"It's no problem. I'm glad you're ok"

"And thank you for taking care of me"

Yoongi chuckles. "It's nothing, really"

It still feels a little weird— today was the first day they have ever taken a bus together. Almost like the first time they walked together, the two boys felt like they were quite sure what to say. Nonetheless, the both enjoy the company, even if it can be weirdly silent at times.

However Jimin starts a conversation again and they talk and laugh for a while, and it's at those points where Yoongi starts to wonder whether Jimin has the cutest laugh on earth.

Somewhere along the line, Yoongi yawns again. Moments later he yawns once more, and then even a third time.

"If you're tired, you can sleep if you want. I'll wake you up when I have to get off"

Yoongi shook his head with a nervous laugh. " thanks but it's ok. I can stay awake."

Sooner or later, Jimin feels a weight fall onto his shoulder and from then onwards he could no longer hold back a smile.

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