One of the basketball players, a long dark hair girl in a high ponytail, her body was practically drenched in her blue jersey shirt written number 10 and the letter 'Harrison' on top of the number. She need towel and water badly for her irritate sweat and hydration, and she eventually reached the bench to take a seat, grab a towel to wipe off her mess.

A blonde player in her Jersey no 11 with the words 'Kennedy', she was grinning while holding a cold bottle of mineral water to touch the dark hair girl's cheek as she startled and exclaimed, "Dammit, Casey!"

"Freeze! Or I will shoot you!" Casey playfully played the bottle of the water like a gun at the dark hair girl as she gently slapped Casey's hand away to stop the nonsense.

Casey laughed and she joined the dark hair girl as she passed the drink for her, "Take it, asshole."

"Thanks, Casey," the dark-haired girl said dryly with rolled her eyes at her best friend while taking the bottle of water from her since she had already gotten used to it. 

"You're welcome!" Casey beamed as she started to chug bottle the water.

After a minute of rest, the dark-haired girl stood up and put half of the bottle of her drink on the bench, and informed her best friend, "I'll be right back."

Casey made an okay gesture as the dark-haired girl started leaving while her best friend said out loud for her to hear, "Don't be late because I don't think Simon would like it!"

"Yea, yea," the dark hair girl responded and waved at her friend as she continue her way to the washroom. Once she exited the hall, she saw a younger blonde girl in pink sundress was happily humming while eating her ice cream next to the swimming pool.

The basketball player chuckled at the adorable girl who was bouncing blissfully and enjoying in her own. Somehow, the limited break time interrupted the basketball player's thoughts as she quickly entered the washroom.

Right after the dark hair girl disappeared in the washroom, Ophelia tripped on her own step as she fall into the swimming pool. Since she had zero experience in swimming, she was getting panic and tried to scream for help. Unfortunately, she was unconsciously gulping down the water and didn't even have a chance to pray for herself. 

Ophelia tried to raise her arms high and waved while kicking her legs to stay at the surface of the water. Instead, she was sinking down and tried to scream for her life, but nothing. She was suffocated, horrified, and desperate to keep her little life to escape from the water. 

Deep down, she knew no one would see her and she would die. She was afraid and hoping that her dad could find her anytime to save her. That was the last wish from her before she body was getting limbs and merely kicking her legs and passing out. 

In the meantime, the basketball player went out from the bathroom as she seemed curious when she found out the younger blonde girl was not around anymore. However, she seemed not convincing, and there had something bad came to her mind. Without any hesitation, the dark-haired girl swiftly scanned around the area she had seen the younger girl just now. 

When she saw an ice cream cone on the floor and one pink flat floating in the middle of the swimming pool, she was shocked and quickly looked into the swimming pool. After she found out the younger girl was inside the pool, she dived into the pool and to get the younger girl out.

The player had taken her action instantly as she laid the younger girl on the floor. She was grateful she had learned CPR before and started taking action. After a few attempt of the cycles, Keira pinched the younger girl's nostril before covering her mouth with her own to give two gentle breaths.

Once the teen pulled away from the victim, the younger blonde stirred as she coughed out the water from her mouth and she gasped with her eyes flying wide. She froze when her vision was getting clear and the first sight was a beautiful girl with a pair of silver eyes looking at her.

"Are you okay?" the teen asked softly and tried to give a space for Ophelia to breath better, but the younger blonde was still gaping and smiling like an idiot at the beautiful girl in front of her.

The dark-haired girl's hands reached and cupped the younger girl's face as she asked softly once again, "Are you okay?"

Ophelia only slowly nodded her head at the pretty dark-haired girl and teen was relief and pulled the younger girl into a hug and said breathlessly, "Thank god you are alright! Your parents might be worry sick about you!"

The teen drew herself from the younger blonde as her hands put on her shoulders and suggested with a smile, "I will walk you back to your parents. Do you know where they are?"

"Oh Jesus Christ!" Harry started crying while he found out his daughter as the teen was smiling at Harry for assurance and waited for him to reunite with his beloved daughter.

Harry quickly ran toward his daughter and pulled her into a firm embrace while looking at the basketball player and cried, "Thanks for saving my daughter."

"You're welcome, sir. I'm glad she is okay now," the teen smiled softly.

"Keira, hurry! Simon is calling right now!" Casey shouted far away from the entrance of the hall and waved at her best friend aggressively.

The dark-haired girl stood up abruptly as she quickly said to Harry, "I have to go. See ya!" Keira gave a brief smile to Harry and the younger girl once again as she jogged toward her best friend.

"I told ya, Simon will upset about this," Casey shook her head as Keira only shrugged casually at her best friend before entering the hall.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart! I had run all around the cafeteria and I couldn't even find you. I should have find further away from there," Harry started rambling while caressed his daughter soaking head.

Ophelia didn't even pay attention from her dad, she was still grinning while used her finger tips to touched her lips and murmured, "So, a princess had awakened by a princess charming." Ophelia smiled contently and she said to herself, "Your name is Keira Harrison, I will marry you one day!"

Ophelia couldn't help but she was getting giddy about the thought as she started giggling. Harry quickly pulled away as his hands cupped younger blonde's tiny face and asked in concern, "What did you say, sweetheart?"

Ophelia was giggling as she quickly said shyly, "Mmm, nothing, dad." Harry furrowed his eyebrows to read his beloved daughter expression but interrupted by her. "Dad, can I have ice cream again, please?"

"Anything for you, sweetheart," Harry smiled at his daughter and gently caressed her face and said softly, "I promise I will never leave you alone no matter how. Also, I have to thank for the girl who safe your life later."

Ophelia happily nodded her head at her dad as Harry chuckled and turned his back facing her and said, "Let's get ice-cream, are you ready?"

The younger blonde happily jumped on the blond man's broad back and cheered excitedly, "Rrready!"

"My princess is growing up," Harry groaned with chuckle while trying to stand on his feet along his beloved daughter put her full weight on him. "I don't think I could carry you like that in a few years later. But, I still can handle it right now."

Harry playfully flexed up his arm as Ophelia giggled at her dad, "My dad is still strong like Hercules!"

"That's right for now! Let's go!" Harry beamed as he started walking them to the cafeteria and the father and daughter happily shared silly jokes with laughter.

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