The old(er) Testament

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And In the world
When God created Eve
Skin dark as the clay she was built from
Kissing her full lips and breathing her life
With her first sigh
She thanked her sister and birthed her a generation

Body filled with alchemy she made them all different shapes and sizes and colours
And sent them to be fruitful and multiply

Then she watched over happy for many years
4C ing a great future
The seeds she has sown would reap beautifully she decided
And when she finally
Closed her eyes
Her breath of life
Left her to
Return home

White man
Unhappy with peace choked out of the serpent
Secrets of knowledge
Betraying his mother
He created the gun
Sharpening his violence like a blade

He cut her home
Up like an apple
And bit into it

So God in revenge
Sent disease
But he wrapped it up in blankets and visited the americas

Sent famine
So he stole food from China and sent them opium to die on

Sent floods
But he created his own tides of blood in the Caribbean to ease the waves

So she sent him love
Then he snarled and pried it's legs open

So she sent him peace
And he roared in Hiroshima

So she spoke unto
Her sisters scorned children and said

If he can rage
So can you
Man never created fire he stole it

Burn cities to ash
Swallow him whole in the belly of a whale
Desecrate his temple
Remove his whiteness from him so it stands alone as a pillar of salt.
While he sleeps
Cut from him his pride

Steal it back

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