My brain

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My brain has diabetes
She likes all the sweet things so much
She'll put us in a coma
Tells us we should just let it happen

That sugar doesn't taste the same any more anyway

My brain has arthritis
Every move we have to make brings her pain
Like motivation isn't motivation
When your bed feels like a Hail Mary

Like leaving it feel like writing a tombstone

My brain has Anaphylaxis
Because everything seems to send her into shock
Seems like I'm following behind
Feeling everything everyone else does
Is normal but it just makes me want to throw up

Like I'm a walking target

My brain has bronchitis
Because every time she tries to take something healthy in
She wants to cough it back up again
At any given moment she could choke

Like she is dying in an inflamed atmosphere that only wants to help

I know it only wants to help
I know you feel like I don't know how lucky I am
How smart I am
How pretty I am
How talented I am
How much potential I have

But potency have never gotten me anywhere
I feel so diluted
Like talent just gives other people an excuse to laugh at you
Looks give people another reason why you don't know what you're talking about
And I'm smart so I obviously do
But I obviously don't know

Because my brain is so sick
That I feel like I have to beat cancer twice
Just to brush my teeth

That focusing on anything important
Feels like a flare up of cirrhosis

I wish
You could stop telling me
To just cure myself

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