"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG JONAH!" Y/N screamed louder than she had ever screamed before, she calmed down and sat next to the now distraught, unconsolable Jonah 

"Jonah, my sweet you didn't do anything wrong *She reaches her hand up to wipe a tear from Jonah's cheek away*. If anything, you were absolutely perfect in it. You made sure I had everything I needed, whether I actually needed it or whether it was just an impulsive need or something I wanted but never actually needed. You made sure that I felt loved and that I was unforgettable, rather than forgettable, something that I made you feel. I made you feel like you were invisible whilst you kept on giving me everything and, I am so sorry that I did that to you. You out of everyone doesn't deserve to be treated the way I treated you and, it's time that I take accountability for it and that's what I'm doing. By breaking up with you so I no longer break your heart and make things worse for you. I love you so fucking much Jonah but, if you love me just as much, you have to let me go, although it'll be hard and painful, and with that I'm terribly sorry but, it's the only way I'll be able to better myself, change myself so when I see you again, whenever that may be, in a week, month or a year, I've changed and learnt from my mistakes and become the person that doesn't do horrible things to people. Goodbye Jonah, I love you and, I'll see you again, I promise..." Y/N smiled, pushing herself up from the couch, removing her grip from Jonah's hand and walks out to her car where she had all her stuff packed to move back in with her brother and sister so she could better herself, for Jonah 

"...I-I love you too Y/N," Jonah whispered as he started to cry, the engine of his true love's car starting and driving off, away from him

Corbyn; {Your POV}

Corbyn hadn't been himself lately and, I could sense that I may have done something wrong so, I asked him about it. Only because I was truly concerned for Corbyn. I knew that he had been receiving some hardcore hate recently but, usually it wouldn't get to him as much as it used to. 

"...Hey, Corbs, you okay?" I questioned, sitting down next to him as he jumped, looking over at me 

"O-oh, hey umm, not really," Corbyn jumped slightly, responding with a nervous voice as I grab his hand to comfort him 

"What's up hun, you can always tell me," I smiled softly, however, I felt something twist inside my stomach, like something wasn't right 

"I-I Y/N, I'm so sorry to say this because, I love you so much, I really do but, I think we need to take a break. I just need to clear my head and make sure I made the right decisions in our relationship. However, I want you to know that, we are still the best of friends and I love you to infinity and back but, I just need to get my shit back together and then, we can come back and, we'll be perfect," Corbyn stuttered as I smiled, I had a feeling this was going to happen and, it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would - I wasn't going to cry as, thinking about it, I was thinking the same thing 

"It's okay Corbs, I think I need to clear my head as well. Everything that's been said about us just needs to be erased from our brains and, we just need to work on ourselves for a little bit, whether it's a couple weeks or a month and then, we regroup and, we'll be back to perfect again," I smiled as Corbyn sighed heavily, falling into my lap, relieved almost that I thought the same 

"That's good to hear but, I'm so sorry that I had to be the one to spring it on you like this." Corbyn said as I rolled my eyes, this boy needs to calm down I swear 

"No, Corbyn, it's okay! Trust me, I'm not mad, upset or disappointed in you. I think it's heathly for people to take breaks in their relationships to better themselves so it stays healthy. I promise, I'm not mad, I feel the exact same way, you don't need to panic about this," I smiled, playing with Corbyn's fluffy hair as he nodded his head 

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