Can't Even Think Straight {8}

Start from the beginning

                Evan, get your thoughts under control. There were people in this room watching you two. Hell, your dad was watching you two! You could NOT go screaming about your sexuality right now!

                “Because why?”

                “Because…” I struggled with myself mentally, trying to fight off the truth. Not here, not in front of my dad and all the kids in this study hall. I couldn’t let it slip out now. “Because my right foot is bigger than my left!”

                Sebastian slowly released my arm, the feeling of that electricity staying behind. He bit his lip and his shoulders moved up and down with silent laughter.

                “Because your right foot is bigger than your left?” he asked.

                I groaned. “That’s not what I meant,” I said miserably.

                “Evan, the bell is going to ring soon. Get back to class,” dad said sternly, coming over and giving me a light shove in the direction of the door.

                “I have study hall!” I whined.

                “Well I have to put up with you at home! I don’t want to have to put up with you here too!” he said, pointing at the door. “Go!”

                “You’re a jerk!” I grumbled, crossing my arms and leaving the classroom.

                Once I was a safe distance from the classroom, I leaned against the wall and squeezed my eyes shut tightly. I gently brushed my fingers over the spot where Sebastian had gripped my arm. It was still warm and tingly from his touch.

                Gay. I was definitely gay.

                I opened my eyes and stared down at my arm. Had Sebastian been flirting with me just now? I mean, I know I was sexy and irresistible, but I didn’t think I could turn a straight boy gay that fast. Hell, Sebastian didn’t even know I was gay. Only Rory knew.

                Yea, I had to be careful of that. If I started screaming my love for Sebastian, it would fly around the school. Everyone would find out I was gay, including my dad. I didn’t want to come out unless I was positive I could get with Sebastian.

                I made my way back to my study hall and sat down next to Rory, who had his head down. I shook him violently and his head flew up.

                He glanced at me and grunted before letting his head drop back down onto his arms. I glared at him and began to shake him again.

                “What?” he groaned, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “What the hell do you want Evan? I was trying to nap.”

                “I’m more important than your beauty sleep. It’s not working for you anyways,” I said simply.

                “Sometimes I can’t decide if I want to kill you and get it over with, or torture you until you beg for death,” he grumbled.

                “You have mental problems,” I said. “Anyways…” I quickly and quietly explained everything that had happened.

                Rory sighed in annoyance. “Seriously Evan? Learn to control your mouth. I’m not going to be there to pull you away every time, as you just learned,” he said impatiently.

Can't Even Think Straight [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now