"Are you saying that, because of me and Yoongi, you killed Jacob and Jaemin?"  My eyes widened as I watched her gaze drift from mine.

     "I wish I did,"  she admitted, squeezing my hand again.  "Namjoon-oppa got there right when I was about to end Jacob, and he told me that he wasn't worth it, that he should rot in a place where he can think for the rest of his life, of everything he did wrong.  Jacob was pleading under me to kill him, not wanting to go to where Namjoon-oppa had requested.  But he didn't get a say in it, so he and Jaemin are both in a far, far away place.  You'll never—we'll never—see them ever again."

     Her words brought a happy smile to my face.  I knew she could've killed them both, but Namjoon was right, they weren't worth it.  I just wish I could've been strong enough to fend for myself, but not everybody is a strong supernatural creature—not me, at least.

     "Minseon, I love you just the way you are, and nothing can change that."  [Y/n] must've heard my thoughts from how she quickly held me in her arms, whispering words of love, truth, and how I'm perfect just the way I am.  "You don't need to be a vampire, demon, werewolf—heck, you don't even need to be a merman or a mystical elf and I'd still love you."

I knew that was wrong of me to think in the first place, that I was useless as an ordinary human, but now I know that [Y/n] will always love me no matter who, or what I am. It made butterflies flutter about in my stomach.

     "Have you slept at all these past few days?"  I asked, feeling worried about the bags under her pretty eyes.

     She shook her head and buried it in the crook of my neck, taking in a sharp breath of air, sighing.  "No, I have yet to actually sleep.  I almost drifted off for a moment, before you woke up, but your sudden movement really kept my eyes open."  She chuckled, rubbing her nose along the skin of my neck, causing a shiver to run through me.  "Jin-oppa insisted that I get some proper sleep, that you'd wake up soon, but I couldn't bring myself to close my eyes as I sat there, waiting for you to return to me."

I frowned, feeling bad that she had put her health aside for my own, but she didn't seem to regret it at all—waiting for me to awaken.

"Have you... ate anything?" It was an awkward question to ask, in the context I was choosing to be curious about, but I knew the answer already when I felt no movement from her.

"I'll be fine, but you need to rest up first; your health means more to me than anything else." The tone of her voice sounded uncertain like she was putting her own needs off until I was nursed back to perfect health. I didn't like the sound of that. I cared too much about her to let her become second place.

"You can't do that, [Y/n]! You need to be healthy, too, just as much as I do. Please, listen to me. Go get something to eat... or drink... anything as long as it makes you look less like a ghost."

[Y/n] pulled away with a shocked gasp at my comment on her appearance. "Since when do I look like a ghost?! I know I'm kind of pale, but I don't look dead!"

A tsk rang through the air; both our heads whipped to look at the door, seeing Seokjin—who definitely wasn't there before—with a disapproving look on his face, a bag of red liquid held in his right hand. I looked away.

"I heard your loud voices from downstairs, so I decided to pay a visit." His eyes were trained on [Y/n], but she huffed and looked the other way, avoiding his hard, yet concerned gaze. "It's nice to see you up and feeling well, Minseon," he said with a warm smile, pulling his gaze from [Y/n] as he walked toward the bed, the one I was laying on.

He stopped for a moment to check on the annoying machine that kept on beeping continuously, but he told me it was to tell him if I was okay, so I waited for him to be done with it. Once he was finished, he turned to me and checked me over thoroughly, gently pressing the pad of his thumb and forefinger in certain areas, earning slight winces of pain in response from me.

[Y/n]'s eyebrows furrowed with concern, her mouth etched into a small frown as she carefully watched every move that Seokjin had made, instinctively growling at him when he paused to touch my neck—the exact spot where Jacob had held the blade that was so close to ending my life.  I peered into [Y/n]'s glowing yellow eyes as she glared at the eldest, who didn't seem at all bothered—but, rather, intrigued.

     "It's okay, [Y/n].  Calm down.  Jin-hyung wouldn't do anything that would bring harm to me."  I waited for the words to sink in, and when they did, she shyly looked down, seemingly interested in the pale colour of the sheets.  I knew she felt embarrassed that she had growled at Seokjin, but it wasn't that bad.  I don't think he minded at all, really.

     "Jimin-ah helped to heal some of your shallow wounds, which is a good thing, because then we can focus on more of the deeper ones, like this one..."  He glided the tip of his finger across the bandages on my neck, making me shiver; [Y/n] become angry with the eldest again, almost ripping him away from me—her eyes glowing a brighter yellow now.

Seokjin sighed and moved his hand from my neck. "I was just checking on his condition, [Y/n]. There's no need to be so territorial like a wolf," he said.

I knew Seokjin meant well. He would never hurt me; he was too kind for that. He could read our thoughts, our truest desires, our deepest secrets—he already knew everything. There was no point in distrusting him, especially since he's helped me so far.

[Y/n] kept her stance, eyes on Seokjin, even though he didn't mean any harm. It was until he got off the bed that she finally gave up the glaring and growling act. She huddled up next to me, wrapping her arms around me protectively, in a way that made me feel safe. I didn't care to protest, although she was kind of leaning on me too much, I just wanted to enjoy this moment.

Seokjin had already seen how [Y/n] was going to be towards him, so he decided to leave the room and go do some dishes or something, but not without whispering to me about convincing [Y/n] to have a snack... which happened to be the blood bag that sat idly on the bedside table.

I cringed; I already knew of this stuff, but it never ceased to make me a little squeamish at the sight of it. [Y/n] continued to hold me close, her eyes still emitting their beautiful, powerful, and protective yellow glow. I smiled and closed my eyes. I thought of her pretty eyes—no matter the colour they appeared to be—and soon enough, before I knew it, I had fallen into a deep sleep.

♥︎ a/n ♥︎
I felt bad for not updating a lot, so I thought it would be nice to feed you guys a delicious meal of "[Y/n] x Minseon uwu moments." Please vote if you enjoyed this chapter! I hope you're all having a great day/night. Please take care of yourselves and don't forget how much I love you all. I LOVE YOUUU

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