86| Something's Off

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There was something off about her.  Maybe it was the way she did her hair, or the way she smiled.  But something was weird, and he could tell just by looking at her.

Minseon got up to a normal day.  He had a normal breakfast with the vampire family he was temporarily living with, a normal goodbye to school, and a normal walk there.  Except it wasn't all totally normal like any other day.  [Y/n] wasn't there with him.

The boy woke up and got ready, had a strangely quiet breakfast, and watched his best friend leave to school without him.  He walked alone to school, and had his classes without a single sight of [Y/n] the whole time.

But then came lunch.  There she was, hanging out with some kid, laughing and smiling with him, completely forgetting about her best friend.

Minseon felt cheated on.  This was the first time she had ever did this– ditching him for some random kid he didn't even know at this point.  It crushed him on the inside.  Why did it hurt?

Changjae seen the confusion and the pain in the brunet's eyes, and came over to him with a small smile. "I don't even know what's up with her either," he said from beside Minseon, kinda startling him.

"Sh-She hasn't even s-spoken with me all d-day," he said, turning to the werewolf. "D-Did I do s-something wrong?"

"No, that can't be,"  Changjae shook his head.  "[Y/n] is the nicest person I've ever met, and she doesn't usually hold grudges against someone.  It must be something else."

"Then wh-what is it?"  Minseon felt sad and alone.  Ever since [Y/n] took him in after finding out he was being abused by his father, she had always been ever so kind to him.   And not once did she hold a grudge or go out and do something fun without him.  But now that has changed.

"There's gotta be something else up with her,"  Kyungsoo said as he slid some strawberry milk across the table to Changjae.  "She doesn't really hang out with Jacob Kim."

"That's who he is?"  Eric questioned and looked towards [Y/n] and the other boy.  "He looks different.  Does he look different to you guys, too?"

Kyungsoo nodded.  "Yeah, sorta.  Maybe it's his hair?"

"I dunno, but he's hiding something,"  Changjae mumbled amongst the others, eyes squinted with suspicion.

Minseon could tell that [Y/n] wasn't being herself today.  She just came off odd and was acting suspicious.  Was she hiding something bad from him or was there something more to it?

He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he was gonna talk with her later.  That's if he can find her before she runs off with some other boy.

'I don't like Jacob.  He gives me this bad vibe and seeing him with my friend...,'  Minseon thought,  'It just doesn't look too good to be true.'

The boy seemed upset at the fact that [Y/n] was hanging out with some other guy and not himself. He felt alone and sad without her presence around him. Her laugh, her smile, her eyes... All of it made her even more special, and he didn't want to lose her so soon.

'Why am I thinking this way?' he questioned. 'He's just some other guy...'

Minseon groaned and stood up abruptly, leaving the cafeteria without another word leaving his lips. He stormed out to the washroom and locked himself inside a stall for awhile.

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