Chargin Chuck's

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The chargin chuck's are from the mario franchise, unlike most koopas these koopas have infant like faces, but are antagonist of mario nevertheless. These koopas are stronger and not edible by Yoshi. They take three jumps from mario, five fireballs from mario, or a swing from cape mario.

Classification: Koopa, football player

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, not edible by yoshi, summoning(Can summon more chuck's into battle in paper jam)

Attack potency: Wall level(They could break through blocks and charge through boulders. They are also stronger than average koopas).

Speed: Superhuman

Lifting strength: Average human

Striking strength: Wall Class

Durability: Wall level(Has the higher durability than Koopas)

Stamina: High

Range: Standard melee range

Standard equipment: helmets

Intelligence: Average

Weakness: None notable

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