Kip Donkey Kong villain 1

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In the donkey kong universe their are certain enemies that works for King K rool and he is a gator as well. Kip is the youngest among of gators gang is someone who is someone that you should not mess with.

Classification: Kremling

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, self-sustenance(type 1), vechicular mastery, wild moves, non-physical interaction(Can attack wrinkly Kong), invulnerability with tasty melon and crystal coconut, power nullification, air manipulation with the whirlwind item, explosion manipulation with the backward barrel and mega TNT barrel, fire manipulation with the blazing banana, flight with the rocket powered bongos.

Attack potency: Small Country level

Speed; Massively Hypersonic(Rocket barrels are more likely faster than the kong's normal ground speed)

Lifting strength: unknown

Striking strength: Small Country Class

Durability: Small Country level(Can shake off punches from donkey kong and others characters equal power)

Stamina: Very high

Range: Standard melee range, tens of meters with projectiles

Standard equipment: Rocket powered bongos, items

Intelligence: Average

Weakness: None notable

Notable moves:

Wild Move: When equipped with the rocket barrels, kip performs a boost dash that destroys obstacles and attack enemies in his path.

Prop Monkey: A toy version of hurley that flies to the opponent in front of the user and tosses out some of their banana.

Squawks the parrot: The green parrot from donkey kong series. He flies to the opponent in front of the user and hovers around them preventing them from doing the wild moves.

Quawks: The purple parrot from the donkey kong series. He'll fly all the way to the player in first place and attack him/her(However this can be avoid by jumping before he attacks)

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