Black Jewel(Wario) Boss

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The black Jewel is the final boss of Wario World. The jewel was once a huge threat to civilization, sending powerful armies of spirits across the land in an attempt to conquer the world.

Classification: Sentient Jewel

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, self sustenance (types 1 and 2), creation, reality warping and transmutation(Warped Wario castle into a pocket dimension of unknown size), teleportation, flight, spaceflight, can summons monster and spirits, can shoot lasers from his eyes, can create rings of fire, can summon boulders, can create rainbow colored shockwaves, can shoot bombs, resistance to extreme cold and cosmic radiation

Attack Potency: Town level (Fought Wario)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic(Can keep up with Wario)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown

Durability: Town level

Stamina: Very high(Can continue to fight even with heavy damage on him)

Range: Extended Melee range, hundreds of meters with attacks

Standard Equipment: none notable

Intelligence: Unknown

Weakness: The Spritelings can harm  and seal him.

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