Ghastly King Donkey Kong Boss 3/Karate Kong Boss 4

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In another Nintendo system of Donkey Kong games their are bosses that are extremely different from the rest and that is ghastly king who has faced donkey kong as the final boss. He is in the game jungle beat and while taking over many fruit kingdoms as well as putting a king in charge of a certain kingdom. This also includes karate kong who was short lived by the hands of donkey kong.

Classification: Ape like species named Kong

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, can summon enemies, martial arts, energy manipulation.

Attack Potency: Country Level

Speed: Massively Hypersonic

Lifting strength: Class 25

Striking strength: Country Class

Durability: Country level(Can withstand several blows from Donkey Kong)

Stamina: Very high

Range: Standard melee range, can extended tens of meters with Thunderclap

Standard equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Average

Weakness: None notable

Note: The boss that shares the appearance but different name, cactus king is essentially the same character since the Japanese version the original source did not change the name or description for either of time bosses.

Karate Kong

He is the 6 boss that rules over one of the assigned fruit kingdoms

Classification: Ruler of the Pineapple kingdom

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, martial arts

Attack potency: Country level

Speed: Massively Hypersonic

Lifting strength: Class 25

Striking strength: Country Class

Durability: Country level

Stamina: Very high

Range: Standard melee range

Standard equipment: none

Intelligence: Skilled in Karate

Weakness: None notable

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