Toad Mario bros Hero 3(All color toads)

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In the mushroom kingdom Peach assistant is their to protect her from monsters or enemies that threaten to take over but sometimes he is scared and will run away from danger. Also like yoshi the toads also comes in different colors while the mushroom kingdom assistant is red. 

Classification: Toad

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, under water breathing(type 2), self-sustenance(type 1), fourth wall awareness, vechicular mastery, can emit spores to from shields, counter attack and grow mushrooms, can walk on walls, afterimage creation, energy manipulation, time manipulation, regeneration(Mid, regenerated a few second later after being crushed), resistance to black holes, fire manipulation with fire flower, ice manipulation with ice flower, invulnerability with a starman, duplication with double cherries, size manipulation and flight via power ups, time stop with stopwatch, creation(With super hammer), acrobatics, resistance to extreme cold and cosmic radiation.

Attack potency: Multi-Solar system level(While not as powerful as mario or the other recurring characters, he's capable of fighting certain foes alongside with them. Should be comparable to other members of his species who fought other koopalings with the mario bros)

Speed: Massively FTL

Lifting strength: Pre-stellar via power scaling

Striking strength; Multi-Solar system Class

Durability: Multi-Solar system level

Stamina: High

Range: Standard melee range, tens of meters with power ups

Standard equipment: Several power ups  

Intelligence: Above average, has a doctorate

Weakness: easily frighten and relies on power ups for many of his powers

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