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This is the ruler of all bowser goombas within the mushroom world, and in super mario galaxy. Goomboss is an returning character and he is much larger than several characters due to his extreme height size and looking similar to a goomba, he also has a crown on his head while bearing a grudge against mario from stepping on his kind and wanting mario to feel how he would be stomped on instead.

Classification: Goomba

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, summoning, size manipulation, rage power, underwater breathing(type 2), self-sustenance(type 1), resistance to extreme cold and cosmic radiations.

Attack potency: Multi-solar system level(fought with yoshi)

Speed: Massively FTL+(Kept up with toad in a race)

Lifting strength: Pre-stellar

Striking strength: Multi-solar system class

Durability: Multi-solar system level

Stamina: High,can keep fighting after taking several hits from yoshi

Range: Extended melee range due to size

Intelligence: Average

Standard equipment: mushrooms

Weakness: none notable

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