Culex Mario RPG boss

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This is an system game with different ancient bosses while in this they are fighting. Greetings I am culex, Dark Knight of Vanda. I've crossed into this dimension to fight for the Dark mage. But this world is uninhabitable for me and my kind. I must return to my own world. But before I go, I would like to challenge your strongest knight. Will you accept my challenge? You will enter combat against me.

Classification: Dark Knight of Vanda

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, flight, spaceflight, self-sustenance(type 1,2,3), dark magic, creation(By creating meteors and crystals), space-time manipulation, negating power boosts, matter manipulation, precognition, ice manipulation, fire manipulation, electricity manipulation, light manipulation, earth manipulation, lighting manipulation, transmutation, resistance to extreme cold, cosmic radiation.

Attack potency: At least Multi-Solar system level, possibly higher(Easily stronger than Smithy. By far the strongest enemy in the game. Hinted at possibly having some great control over the universe time and space)

Speed: Massively FTL+(Can keep up with Geno and the rest of the party)

Lifting strength: Unknown

Striking strength: At least Multi-Solar system class

Durability: At least Multi-Solar system level, possibly far higher

Stamina: Limitless

Intelligence: Gifted as he is a master in advanced dark magic

Weakness: None notable

Notable attacks:

Diamond cutter: Culex summons several buzzsaws made of diamond that start spinning and sending them at flying high speed.

Meteor Blast: Culex summons multiple shinning star-shaped meteors towards his foes.

Dark star: A massive dark star smashes all of culex opponents. It's the strongest spell in the game.

Shedder: Removes and negates any boost in statistics his opponents gain.

Elementals crystals: Culex creates 4 elementals crystals. These crystals are all used to manipulate elementals on extremely dangerous levels.(The elementals that are being manipulate are created out of thin air by crystals).

Earth crystals: The earth crystals is used to manipulate the earth but it is also to cause explosions and summon large blasts of lighting(yellow crystals)

Boulder: The earth crystal will summon a large amounts of rocks and mud that will rain down on culex enemies.

Other elemental crystals

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