Brobot (Super Paper Mario)

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Within the super paper mario universe their are all sorts of enemies that he and his team has faced but one of them was seen in two battles and being a metal duplicate version of him for Mr. L to use in his space flight battles. This is going to be in Mr. L equipment since the brobot is unable to fight by itself without a person controlling him.

Classification: Mecha

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, large size(type 0), flight, space flight, energy projection, homing missiles, Danmaku, air manipulation(Can create a vortex of air in its mouth), pocket reality manipulation, self-sustenance(type 1,2, and 3), resistance to extreme cold and cosmic radiations.

Attack potency: Multi-Solar system level(Capable of fighting mario, created a pocket dimension that is composed of countless starry structures, and said dimensions rip apart and collapse upon defeat.)| Multi-Solar system level(Superior to its previous form).

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Kept pace with the Mario cast)

Lifting strength: unknown

Striking strength: Multi-Solar system class(Can damaged the paper mario cast)

Durability: Multi-Solar system level(Although losing to the mario cast, it was still able to withstand many of their attacks and hold its own in combat).

Stamina: Limitless

Range: Extended melee range, Several meters with energy attacks and missiles.

Standard equipment: none

Intelligence: It's pilot Mr L is an evil genius.

Weakness: It's weak to explosions.

Notable attacks:

Missiles: Brobot fires an from his nose homing missiles that can be destroyed by having Mario and co shoot them.

Eye Beam: Brobot fires a laser from its eye.

Sucking attack: The brobot opens it's large mechanical mouth and tries to suck mario inside of him and them chomp on him. 

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