Smithy Mario RPG Villain 2

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Smithy is the final boss of mario rpg and that is on the old game system. He has tried to get rid of the wishes from the world. He resides in his factory, day and night smithy creates machines which he uses against other worlds. It is also implied during the final battle that multiple versions of him were made, and that there possibly plans to mass-produce him, due to the version heads, littered in his final battle. 

Classification: Possibly a robot

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, weaponry mastery, magic, transformation, shapeshifting, transmutation, matter manipulation, reality warping, healing, summoning, likely self-sustenance(type 1), likely resistance to extreme cold, cosmic radiation. 

Attack potency: Multi-Solar system level(Fought against Mario, princess peach, bowser, Geno and Mallow all at once)

Speed: Massively FTL+

Lifting strength: Pre-stellar

Striking strength: Multi-Solar system class

Durability: Multi-Solar system level

Stamina: Seemingly limitless

Range: Extended melee range, tens of kilometers with magic

Standard equipment: His hammer and one of the seven star Pieces.

Intelligence: Gifted(He planned an entire invasion of the mushroom kingdom and even went as far as to attempt to destroy heaven).

Weakness: Easily angered

Notable attacks:

Mega drain: Smithy fires an unblockable pink laser that drains the target energy.

Sledge: Smithy summons a giant pillar to crush his opponents.

Meteor swarm: Smithy shower his foes with multiple star shaped meteors. 

Transmutation: Smithy is capable of turning hot liquids metal emitted from Smelter and inanimate objects into robots and enemies by hitting said object with his hammer.

Transformation: In smithy true form he can transform his head four different forms, the tank form, the magical form, the mystery box form, and the mask form.

Magical form: A form where his magical abilities are drastically increased.

Arrow/spear/sword ruin: smithy creates thousands of spears , swords and arrows in the air and emits them down on enemies. 

Boulder: Attacks with an avalanche of mud and massive boulders.

Dark star: One of the strongest spells, smithy summons a giant star of darkness to crush his opponents.

Tank form: smithy gains a massive strength boost and he gains the fire magnum ability.

Magnus: Smithy fires a golden bullet bill which is powerful enough to instant KO his target.

Mask form: Smithy gains a massive boost in defense and protection.

Recovery: Smithy restores a good significantly of health.

Mega recovery: A more powerful of recovery when smithy restores a large amount of health.

Shredder: Envelops the foe with a bright pink light and eliminates all benefits status effects even from equipment.  

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