King K Rool Donkey kong boss 5

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King k rool is one of the common bosses of donkey kong and who was in super smash bros with his appearance being a large sized gator and wearing a crown as well. He is someone not to be messed with since he wants to get rid of gorilla pest for good. He is also the king of kremlings and hoping to get rid of donkey kong for good.

Classification King of the Kremlin

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, underwater breathing(type 2), self-sustenance(type 1), genius intelligence, size-changing, weaponry mastery, skilled boxing, invisibility, teleportation, can create shockwaves, can make cannonballs rain from the sky, can stretch himself into a ball, his blunderbass acts as a vacuum and can shoot air or ice gas that will freeze his opponents, technology manipulation, flight with his helicopter pack, can shoot lightning and throw bombs, large size(type 1), can manipulate the weather, summon meteors, breaths fireballs and mines with crystal bananas, resistance to extreme cold and cosmic radiation.  

Attack potency: Country level(Physically stronger than donkey kong and fought evenly with Chunky Kong) higher with the crystal bananas 

Speed: Massively Hypersonic

Lifting strength: Class 25(Comparable to Chunky Kong)

Striking strength: Country Class, higher with crystal bananas

Durability: Country Level(Took a giant punch from a enranged donkey kong)

Stamina: Very high(Continue fighting diddy and Dixie kong after taking a punch from donkey kong)

Range: Standard melee range normally

Standard equipment: Various of weapons ranging from his crown he uses as a boomerang to a Blunderbass. 

Intelligence: Genius(Was able to create complex gadgets and machines)

Weakness: His own Incompetence.

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