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In the game super mario galaxy their is a enemy boss that is similar to a boo but is black and covers itself with rocks to create the bouldergeist. He has kidnapped luigi and locks him in a haunted mansion.

Classification: Ghost

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, rock manipulation, earth manipulation, levitation, immortality(type 7), inorganic physiology (type 1), self-sustenance(type 1), summoning, darkness manipulation(can summon allies from its own shadow), explosion manipulation(with bomb-boos), resistance to extreme cold and cosmic radiation.

Attack potency: Multi-Solar system level(Fought mario while being empowered by the star)

Speed: Massively FTL+

Lifting strength: Unknown

Striking strength: Multi-Solar system level

Durability: Multi-solar system class

Stamina: Unlimited due to being a ghost

Range: several of meters with earth manipulation

Standard equipment: None, can summon bomb boos

Intelligence: Average

Weakness: Its Bomb boos can be used against it, remains stationary until its armor is broken. Once its true form is exposed, it can be damaged in its uvula.

Notable attacks:

Earth/rock manipulation:

Rock armor: Bouldergeist can encase itself in rocks and create an armor.

Rock hands: Bouldergeist can create hands out of rocks. They levitate and are not connected to his body, which allows it to punch and slam his opponents from far away. If they are destroyed, he will simply recreate them.

Spikes: Bouldergeist can raise spikes from the ground which can be used to either damage or trap its foes.

Rock throw: Bouldergeist will levitate and throw a barrage of rocks at its opponents. Black rocks will spawn bomb boos.

True form: It will show its true form when the armor is broken, it will retreat from its opponents while summoning black bomb boos from its shadow.

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