Knuckletec Super mario Odyssey boss 1

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Now we are switching up and moving to another mario villain boss who is like other hand type bosses and his name is knuckletec and he was the guardian to one of many wedding gifts that bowser took for peach. He is only seen to fight during the night when the pyramid opens up and a bright light is shown in the sky.

Classification: Unknown

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, ice manipulation, knucklotec's attacks creates hordes of Chinchos and levitation.

Attack potency: Large star level

Speed: Massively FTL+(Capable of reacting to and keeping up with mario)

Lifting strength: unknown

Striking strength: Large Star class

Durability: Large star level

Stamina: high

Range: Tens of kilometers

Standard equipment: none

Intelligence: Below average human

Weakness: Hurts by his own fists and ice if he slam down on it.

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