101| The Concert (pt.3)

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     Jacob had enough of his little tantrum and decided to move on—which happened to be the last moments of my life; his knife dug into my already bleeding skin.

     I wanted to scream—to cry—but nothing would save me from the death that awaits me.  All I wished was for Yoongi to live because he was family—and family means more, doesn't it?

     My thoughts were getting deeper and darker as each second passed.  My shaky intakes of air almost burned my throat—my eyes growing glossy in fear of my life coming to an end.  I felt the need to close my eyes as I was about to face my death; I didn't want to see the scary smirk Jacob held as my last memory before dying.  I thought of [Y/n] at that moment, when the room went black, her smile, her laugh...  And how she made my life so much better.  I felt true happiness around her.  I pictured her beautiful and smiling face over and over until I starting wishing to see her face one last time—just a small glimpse, one of her pretty red eyes.  Those eyes that held such love and hunger—the ones I've grown to love and remember.  She was my shining star, my sun, my moon...  Was I getting too cheesy?  Maybe I'm starting to think weird because I'm going to die.

     But then I heard a distant voice, one of pain, cry out to me.  Why was Yoongi calling my name so strongly?  I felt the blade cut into my skin a little more and with each slight push, it went deeper.  The deeper it went, the more desperate Yoongi sounded.

     "Don't kill him!  Don't kill him, please!" 

     His words rang like a constant alarm in my head and soon enough, with such force, waking me up from my deep and calming trance.  I had peered into the eyes of Jacob's, but he wasn't looking at me, he was glaring at Yoongi.

     "Shut him up!"  he ordered with disgust, scoffing with a brief shake of his head.  "You think that you have control over how this goes, hmm?  Well, listen up, old man,"—Yoongi growled at the name—"I don't think there's anything you can do.  Little Minnie here is going to die, and so are you."  His words were cold as ice, slicing through Yoongi's desperate pleas for my freedom.

     I swallowed hard, feeling my neck sting with fresh pain from another push of the blade.  "Wh-Why is Y-Yoongi—"

     "—here?  Oh, right—if you're going to die together, we might as well explain, right, Jaemin?"  Jacob smirked, pressing the knife just a little more. 

     Jaemin shrugged, not really looking like he cared much about who says what.  "I suppose since you're both going to die, it wouldn't hurt to tell."  He kicked Yoongi, hard, right in the stomach before he opened his mouth to speak again.  "It was a very, very long time ago, on a rainy night, when Yoongi stepped foot into my dark house.  The lights were off since both of my parents were in bed, peacefully sleeping in each other's arms, and I, helplessly awake, laid still in my bed, thinking about what to do about school.

"It was midnight when I heard the front door crack open down the hall—an unusual sound to hear at that time of night, especially when most people would be dead asleep.  I didn't move a muscle, fearing for the worst, that a criminal had broken into our house, in search of something of value in which we didn't have.  We weren't that poor, but we didn't waste what money we did have on useless items for mere display on shelves.

"I heard a strange noise—a growl ripping through the air—and I covered myself up with my thin covers, shaking in fear of what had possibly entered in my home. Yoongi had gone straight down the hallway and into my parents' bedroom, and all I heard were screams from then on that lasted only a few seconds. My parents were dead; Yoongi had killed them. The next thing I know is he's standing right outside my bedroom door, breathing heavily as he twisted the doorknob, my shaking form still hiding under the sheets.

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