In no time, she stopped the car and the door to my side was opened. "Hey, Aurora!" Tyler's voice filled my ears. He undid my seatbelt and helped me down, "I'll take it from here." Next thing he slammed the door closed and the tires screeched meaning I was left with Tyler, also Raffael's best friend in the middle of nowhere. "Just relax sweetheart," he chuckled and put my arm locked with his and told me to walk with him. I protested, trying to take off the blindfold but he restricted me physically, putting both hands behind my back, said he would only let me go if I did as he said. I signed and nodded. "Words, Em," he said. I gritted my teeth, "I said it's fine." He chuckled again and let me go, put my hand back on the crook of his elbow, and guided me to Raffael, wherever that was.

It was really quiet, no sound whatsoever apart from our footsteps. After a couple of minutes, he let go of my hand and I could hear him move, I felt something around my knees and almost jumped out of my skin with a welp. He chuckled and apologized for not warning me. Said it was my seat and I was to sit and let him leave before I took the blindfold off. I nodded. "Em!" he said. Right. "Yes, Ty. I'll do as you say." "Good," he settled me in the seat and placed his lips on my forehead, "you are amazing." Then his footsteps faded. I had the chance to see what all this was about. But then again, I did not want to take the blindfold off.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and took the blindfold off. At the same time, the light in front of me shone bright, I closed my eyes, cursing. I didn't have my glasses on, not that I think they would really help. A blue screen popped up then pictures and videos of Raffael and myself from when we were kids started rolling. I laughed at one, that was recorded when I was around eight or something, Raffael and I was arguing, he said that girls were disgusting because girls have cooties. And me being me disagreed, calling him a liar and pulled his hair when I gave up arguing with him. I smiled as the rest of the film rolled. "TURN AROUND!" the screen turned dark and a couple of lights switched on, giving me the view of a football field and I realized I was standing in a stadium. With my legs shaking, I got on my feet and turned around. Raffael was standing before me, looking so sexy in a tux, a soft smile playing on his lips, he took a step forward and handed me the big bouquet of roses he had in his hands and softly pressed his lips on mine. 


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"Raffy..." he shook his head, wiping the tears in my eyes, "let me say what I have to say first, bunny." I nodded with a shaky smile.  "There are two roses in your hand," he started. I was tempted to roll my glassy eyes, "obviously." "Will you let me finish?" he chuckled, I grinned and mouthed sorry. "There are two roses in there, and I think you love me as much as I love you. Let's not start on who loves who more," he gave me a pointed stare and I quickly shut my mouth. "There are three and five roses there. and I don't have to say how much I love you to know just how hard I have fallen for you. There are nine roses there and I'm telling you now I want to be with you for as long as we both live, baby. Me and you, forever!" His thumb wiped my eyes. "There's eleven there ummh.. shit!" he took his phone from his pocket, read a text, and put it back. I laughed. He smiled at me and pecked my lips before moving back to his position, "I love your laugh." I snorted, making my eyes wide which made me giggle and he laughed a little before shaking his head, "where was I? Yes. I treasure you and everything that means something to you and you know that. and for twelve roses, you know you are my constant and I would like to keep it that way for as long as I live, as long as we both live, baby. And I am so sorry for all the times I have been an ass, and I will apologize now and for the rest of our lives. Twenty-four- your goofy ass is always on my mind, every hour, every minute, every single second. Forty-four- Emiliana, as we stand here, right this moment, I pledge to love you and cherish you forever. Three hundred and sixty-five- I promise you right now to love you every single day that i breathe till the end of time." He took a deep breath and pulled his head back, his eyes glassy.

He took the flowers from my hands and put them on the seat, then took my hands in his, looked me over smiling through the tears he was trying to push away, "you are beautiful, baby. I love you so damn much." I choked a sob, "I love you too, Raffy!" I went to kiss him but he shook his head and grinned, "your mouth is too distracting. Let me finish." I giggled and nodded. 

"I'm not sure when I fell in love with you but I have loved you for the longest time. Maybe it was when you cheered me on my first game in high school, pretty sure that was it. even though I couldn't express how I felt about you then because I was a chicken and Ace would have beat my ass, still did, years later. But that's beside the point. my world revolves around you. You make me so happy and a better man and I don't want to be anything without you." He went down on one knee, taking a box from his jacket. my hands shook, I somehow knew this was coming before he started his speech but my brain was still processing it. "Emilianna Miller, I was happy being your fake ass fiancee at one point. And I don't want that anymore. I want to go through this life thing with you and only you.  Please make me the happiest man today and marry me?" he smiled up at me. I was already nodding my head even before he started talking. "Yeah?" he asked. I nodded, "yes, De Lucca, I will marry you!" I smiled wide even through my tears. 

He got up fast and smashed his lips on mine, I vaguely heard cheering but everything at that moment was about Raffael. "I love you so much, Emilianna. and I will never get tired of telling you that." When we finally pulled away, I looked around and both of our families were present, smiling at us. His father was first to engulf me into a hug, "you've always been a daughter to me. it is just going to be official." I wrapped my arms around him, "I love you too, uncle Ale." The rest congratulated us, my mom and his mom crying. 

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