Desperate grey eyes scanning the broken neck- the crack still ringing in his ears. No no no! Ice took his heart, and then he heard screaming. Desperate screaming and sobbing.

It took him only a few seconds to realize it was him- himself who was screaming.

- the scene vanished, his eyes shot open. His heart was racing, hair stuck to his slick forehead. Skin clammy. He felt sick to his stomach, like he might vomit. Scorpius registered it was a nightmare the same moment he registered he was still in Albus's room. It was before daybreak. The sun barely shedding light outside. Everyone was still asleep, the house silent.

Other than him, jolting awake like someone had grabbed him. At the movement Albus shifted on the bed, but didn't wake from his slumber. A nightmare. That's it. He pressed his damp cold hands to his face, feeling nauseous. Scorpius slowly got out of the bed and left the room, finding the bathroom where he had showered before going to bed. The light flicked on inside, he closed the door behind him and slumped against it, the cold tile seeping into his sweats. He was shivering uncontrollably, the clamminess on his skin coupled with the cold floor.

He was almost thankful for it though- the shaking and trembling. Holding him into reality. Aries is fine, it's just a dream. The terror still held him, like he was still there- floating in darkness.

It's just a dream.

He repeated those words in his head, silent tears slipping down his cheeks.

It's just a nightmare.

It had felt like he was there. He was living it. Scorpius could feel the heaviness of his heart, like it was him who had killed her. Some kind of guilt he couldn't understand.

Aries is fine, it's just a dream.

What if it wasn't? What if he was seeing something else- a premonition? Or maybe somehow astral projection, watching her die? But surrounded with that night?

Scorpius was shaking, and he put his head between his knees, staring down at the tile and wishing for the nightmare to fade. It was so real.

He was there. He had been there. Unable to do anything. Useless.

It's just a dream.

Harsh efforts of swallowing the nausea lead to him keeping his dinner down from the pub. It wasn't a memory. And as much as he'd wished the memories would stop, now he'd rather see a memory when he closed his eyes instead of that. Instead of watching someone die. Someone he knew, cared about. Considered a friend. Needed to help protect. What if he saw Raven die next? Or Albus?

He hugs his arms into himself, hoping it will help with the body heat. Even though the house was warm he couldn't stop the chills.

It's just a dream.


Scorpius was quiet as they returned to Hogwarts. Lily immediately took off to find her friends and Albus, James, and Rose departed. Something about a bet they had made at the pub. Scorpius tuned it all out, feeling cold since this morning. Tiredness seeping into his limbs and making them heavier. His feet lead him to the cut-off hallway, and he sat up on the stone, eyes particularly blue today instead of grey. Probably having to do with the fact they were on the verge of tears. Scorpius couldn't stop thinking about it.

He balled up his Black sweater sleeves into his palms. The turtleneck allowing him to tuck in his chin. Despite the snow melting away, only patches left here and there, this morning was freezing cold.

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