Chapter 45

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Chapter 44 was full of mistakes,Sorry I have large fingers,LOL,and I forgot to edit it sorry,

Also You didnt reach the goal,But i'm updatig so ,Please please Vote for every chapter you didnt vote on, and leave lots of comments

I woke up And got ready for work ,I walked down stairs to see Mom and Aunt Sareh Drinking what seemed to be Coffee,


"Morning",They said together,

"Why aren't you at work Mom?"I asked,

"It's my Day off remember?"

"Yeah,That's right",I said,as I sat down Next to Mom,I heard a knock on the door,Werid Zayn Is here early,I shot up from my seat and opened te door,

"Morning Miss",An Unkown guy that looked 20 said Smiling,

"Um Hi,How Can I help you?"

"Is this Samantha Matthew's House?"

"Yes,I'm her",As I said those words He smiled bigger,And Handed me red roses with a Card on them,

"Thanks",I told him,and he left,I closed the door and opened the card thay was enclosed on the beautiful flowers,

"Dear Sam,
Hi babe,I just wanted to say that you are the most beautiful and Amazing thing in my life right now,I'll see you later Beautiful
Your one and Only
Zayn Xx"

I read the Card over and over,Even though he isn't here but his words made the butterflies in my stomach go wild,

"Who is it Sam?",Mom Yelled,as I walked to the kitchen,Thier eyes were glued on the flowers I had in my hand,

"Let me see",Aunt Sareh took the flowers but before she could see the Card I hid it in my pocket,

"People still do that?"

"My boyfriend does",I said Proudly,And took a Vase to put them in,I filled it with water and put them in it,

Minutes later We heard a Car,I said goodbye and went to see Zayn,His back aginst his car

"Hi babe",I said,

"Hello,Someone's Happy",He said getting closer and kissed me,

After we broke the kiss to catch our breaths,

"Ofcourse I'm Happy,I have the most amazing boyfriend ever",I told him as he started the car,

"So you liked the flowers!"

"Loved them, thank you"

"Anything for my girl",Now I was blushing,

We arrived at the bakery and we shared our last kiss for the day in his Car,I saw his car disapper in the horizon,

"Morning Harry"

"Morning Sam"

The day was pretty normal,People came and go,Came and go,I got tired but It was okay,I love my job,I love the bakery,

"Sam,you ready?",Harry asked,Today Harry had the car with him,So I texted Zayn that Harry was taking me home,He told me that it was okay and that he was busy,

"Yeah, let's go"

We both got in the Car and started the Radio,And started singing along to the Lyrics Loudly,Harry started dancing in his seat,He looked at me and sang in a high-pitched voice,

Suddenly A car came out of nowhere,The cars almost collided with eachother,But Harry's car stoped and the other car also stopped, so nothing Happened,

"Are you Okay?",Harry asked,I nodded,

"Are you?",I asked him as he mumbled a 'yeah',He got out of the car to probably see the other car,I did the same,As soon as I got out the other car started moving and with full speed it Drove away passing Me, centimetres just betwen my body and the Car,It drove away without stopping,I fell to the ground as Harry rushed to me looking for any injuries,(A/N: Did you guys get what happened?If not comment and I'll explain it to you)

"I'm fine,I'm fine",I whispered,

"I'll take you to the Ho-"

"No,No Hospitals I'm fine",I said standing up,"Can you take me home?"I got in the Car,

"Yeah,Let's go",

We drove in silent,Every 5 minutes Harry would ask If I was Okay,Or if he needed to take me to the hospital,We got home,

"Are you sure you're Okay?",He said for the last time before I smiled weakly and Said a quick ' thank you ' ,'Be careful' and got out,

I unlocked the front door with my spare key,Went to my bathroom and tooka warm shower,To relax, When I was done I wore My favorite warm Pajamas,Should I tell Zayn? Or not?

After alot of thinking,I decided to tell him when he picks me up tomorrow,

And went to sleep leaving my phone on the other side of the bed,



How was this Chapter?Who do you think the Person in the Car?Why did He/She do that?

So many question,And to know the answers,Vote,Comment,And share,

-Fatima AlTaweel❤️

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