Chapter 62

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Photos, The envelop had photos, not any photos, Mom and Aunt Sareh were in them, In the first picture, Mom and Sareh were in a Mall, Much different from the ones here, The next one they were in a house, and the others were in Public places,

"We think that he wanted to send you these photos, You might want to flip them", Ben told me

I fliped one of them, It had a date, each one had a date, the last one said " Two birds in a cage soon".

I stared at them, What should I do?

"Don't worry, We have policemen to watch every single movement t-", I cut Carter off,

"What should I do?", I asked

"There is nothing To do Sam", Zayn said, putting a hand around me,

"That's true Ms. Matthews, Unless he-"

"There has to be something I can do",

"We-", Ben stopped talking when my phone rang, I picked it up and answered..


"Hi Sammy"

"M-Mark?", Ben and Carter looked at each other, and started some kind of a machine,

"Tell them to stop", He spoke into the phone,

"Tell who to stop what?", I asked, Zayn and the boys looked at me worriedly,

"Don't play stupid with me, I can see you, All of you", he was Calm but terrifying at the same time,

"They can't find me,"

"What do you want from us?"

"Darling I only want something from you, Do it and nobody gets hurt"

"What is it?"

"Not now, not When everybody is near, I'll call you later", with that he ended the call,

"We couldn't track the call," Ben said, as Carter added,

"And we could't hear a thing from the Call"

"What did he want?" Zayn asked,

"I-I don't know, he didn't tell me, he Just said that he could see us and he wanted something from me not any of you",

"He's watching us?" Harry asked, I nodded,

Ben called someone and went to the kitchen to speak, While Carter ran to The only Window in the room,

"You have to go home", I spoke not looking at any of them, "He's not gonna hurt any of you", I added, Still looking at the floor,

"Sam?", I said nothing,

"Sam, look at me" I did As I was told,

"Babe, I'm not leaving you here alone, I made a promise not only to your mother, but to myself That I will never let anyone hurt you, I"


"No, let me finish, Sam I love you, I'm not just your boyfriend, I was and still your best friend, You can tell me everything, I will make sure you're safe, If you're safe, it means we're all safe and Happy", He finished

I hugged him, and Cried, I cry alot but right now I have mixed emotions, I'm scared, worried and in love.

I don't know how much I cried, But I felt my eyes close and soon, Everything turned black,


This morning is not like any morning, First when I got up, I fell and my arm hurt, Then there was heavy knocks on the door, and to be honest I was scared to open the door,

Zayn opened the door for me, I stood next To Zayn, Criss stood outside, With his hands in his jeans pockets, I haven't seen him in a long time, and I had a bad feeling, Not because of Criss, Because Zayn and the boys being in the same room with Criss, also because Ben And Carter and The two bodygaurds..

"Hey", Criss greeted.

"Hi", I said while Zayn stared at him and said nothing,

"Um, Can I come in?", He asked,

I don't know why this is Awkward, Is it because Zayn looks like he wants to kill him for no Reason? Yeah

"Sure, Come in Mate", Zayn said, surprising not only myself, But Criss too,

I looked at Zayn to see him smiling at himself, We sat on the couch, before any of us spoke Ben came in, looking at some papers in his hands and said,

"Ms. Matthews, I can't fig-", He stopped talking as soon as he realized that someone was in the room,

"Criss, Meet Sams Uncle, Benjamine", Zayn said,

"Did you just call her 'Ms. Matthews'?", Criss asked, Shaking My 'uncles' Hand,

"I do it for fun, She hates when someone calls her that", Ben said, I laughed a little to hide any sign of lying,

"Oh, Okay then Ms. Matthews, I came to see if you're okay,", He said getting up,

"No, no, Stay, you just got here, I'll make us something to drink", Zayn insisted,

"Okay?",, Zayn was acting really weird,

Minutes later, Zayn came back with 4 cups of tea, He put them down, sat next to me, And put his arm around my shoulder,

"Um, I came to see Sam, I was actually getting worried, And the bakery was always closed", He sipped his tea,

"I'm fine, My uncles are visiting so we're having a break"

"Aha, Can I ask something?" Criss asked,

"You just did", My 'Uncle' joked,


"Why do you have two bodygaurds?"

"Uncle Ben works with a big company in China so whenever he travels they send two of their trusted men", I lied,

"Yeah, I'm kinda important", Ben winked funnily,

Suddenly Criss' phone rang, He answered right away,

All he said was," Okay, Don't worry, I'll be there"

"I Have to go, Thanks for the tea". With that he was almost out of the door,

Zayn shut the door after him,

"There is something about that boy", "Uncle" Ben said,

"I know, thats why I wanted you to see him", Zayn spoke, I looked up at him,

"What do you mean?"

"What if he was Mark's partner? What if he came here to-", I cut Zayn off,


"Seriously, What if-",

"Zayn!", That made him shut up, "Mark is calling!", I yelled.


Long time no see,

How are you?! I hope you're doing well,

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-Fatima al taweel ❤️

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