Chapter 41

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I woke up next to Zayn,again,He was holding me tight like I was going to run away or something,I tried to move without waking him up,and went to the bathroom,Brushed my teeth,and then made some tea,I saw a note from my mother saying that she left for work and took Aunt Sareh with her,and to call her if I needed any thing,I looked at the time to see it was alredy 9,I rushed to my room,

"Zayn,get up",I said,he only mumbled something,

"Zayn,Babe,It's 10, you're late",I lied,Mom always does this,

"WHAT?",He shot up from the bed and looked for his phone,I laughed at his reaction,

"I'm kidding,It's only 9",I said when I was done laughing,

"HA,HA,HA,My girlfried is funny",He said as he got up,and went to the bathroom,

"I try",I smiled at him,

"You know what Sam?",He asked as soon as he got out from the bathroom,


"I think I should put a toothbrush in your bathroom,and a couple of shirts too,Because I stay here more than I do at home",He laughed,

"That's not a bad Idea actually",I said seriously,while he looked at me like I have 4 heads,

"Think about it?I'm not asking you to move in with me,Just a toothBrush and a couple of shirts would be fine"I added,

"I'll think about it Babe",He said taking me in a hug,

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yes,very after My boyfriend's awesome soup and the medecation the doctor gave me,I'm alot better"

"Glad to hear that,Now,Can I kiss my Girlfriend?",

"Nope",I said popping the 'P',

"Why not?"

"Because I said so",I said and poked my tongue out,and ran down to the kitchen,

Zayn came down after me,He looked at me without saying a word and sat down at chair,

"You're gonna be late for work",I said and put a cup of tea infront of him,He didn't answer just looked at me,

"Zayn?Can you hear me?",I knew that he could hear me

"Oh,So that's my punishment?",He nodded his head,

"Oh,Okay then,that kiss' gonna wait",I turned to go up stairs to my room,But I felt a hand grabbing mine,

"Don't go"He stood up and leaned in,

"I'm not speaking to you,and I'm also not kissing you either"

"Oh Comon Babe",He gave me the puppy eyes,where his beautiful eyes become larger and his lips pout and hi-

"Fine,because I did it once doesn't mean I'll always do it",I said as he leaned in and put his arm around my waist then kissed me with passion,

"You're gonna be late for work",I reminded him after our kiss ended,

"I'm not going"


"I'm staying with my girlfriend,I took two days off,plus tommorow is a weekend"

"Time flies fast"

"Yeah,do you believe that it has been over a month since we became a couple"He asked,

After our little chat we went to my room to watch movies,I made some popcorn,soda,Pizza,and we sat in bed,Laptop on Zayn's Lap,watching movies wasn't this fun when I watched them alone,I put my head on his shoulder,I wasn't really watching the movie,I was thinking about how my life changed when I met Zayn,I've never believed that I would become friends with 5 boys and a girl,that isn't Hannah,We became bestfriends in such a little time,I-

My thoughts were interrupted by Zayns Hand waving in my face,


"What are you thinking about?"



"Fine,I'll tell you,I was thinking about how we all became friends in a little time and how fast time flies"

"Yeah,I mean look we first met at the beggining of the summer Now it's the beggining of Autamn"


"I haven't even thought about College yet"

"Shit,I forgot about it"

"It's okay,none of the boys probably remembered,We can all go together,what do you want to study?"

"I think I'm gonna go to a Cooking school or something,I don't know,I really love that,But I'll think of a back up plan"

"That's a good idea,You're good at almost everything,But there is something I could cook better than you do"

"What is it?"I raised an eyebrow at him,I remeber when He and Liam helped me in the bakery when Harry wasn't there,

"My famous soup"as soon as these words came out of his mouth He started laughing and I joined him,

After the laughter died down,We sat in silence,



"I wanna take you out,tomorrow"

"Sure,but where?"

"You know i'm not gonna tell you,But wear a dress"

"Fine",I didn't argue because we all know that Zayn wasn't going to tell me,

Later that night Zayn went home,I texted Tiff saying that I want her to help me with my date,I slept early too excited for the Date tomorrow,



How are you guys?good?hope you are!

How was this Chapter?I know it sucks but I'm working on the next chapter which is 42,

Sorry for the long wait,I've had some issues with my phone

So Vote on this and comment,You're probably not reading this,But if you are Comment 'I' and raise your hand🙋🙋,

-Fatima Al taweel ,

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