Chapter 61

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I woke up on the couch, I could hear their voices in the kitchen, I went to the kitchen to see all of them except Zayn.

"Where's Zayn?" I asked, they all looked at me, stoping the converstaion they had,

"Uh, His mother called, and he went to see what she wanted", Harry said, I could easily tell that he was lying.

"Are you lying to me Harry?", I asked, But he didn't answer, I walked to the door, but a hand shut it,

"He's okay, Don't worry", Liam said,

"Then why Isn't he here?",

"He, Ben and Carter called they wanted to tell him something", Liam spoke.

"Zayn told us not to tell you,he didn't want you to worry, And Liam told you!", Louis said almost screaming the last part while liam looked sorry,

"Thanks Liam", I told him, We all sat in the kitchen, Harry made Tea, so we sat there drinking Tea, not saying anything, Till Zayn opened the door with Ben And Carter with him,

"We've got bad news." Carter said, I didn't know what to expect, We all sat in the livingroom to hear what they had to say, Zayn sat next to me and held my hand,

"Marcus Brown AKA Mark, escaped The Mental Hospital he was in four years ago, and looks like he changed his last name too, at the age 14 he started stealing, Later he killed his Ex wife and tried to kill more",

Shit, I knew he was bad but not this bad,

"I think you're all in danger, Not only you six, but also your families", We all looked at each other, I started panicing, I wasn't the only one panicing, Tiff was held tightly by Lou,

"We don't think that he'll go this far, But we want to keep you safe as well as your families, so We've put five policemen to watch your families", Carter looked at me after Ben finished talking,

"We spoke to the NYPD and told them about the situation, They also sent five men to watch over your family, We need the six of you to stay together until We Find him"

"What do you mean together?", Niall asked,

"Like at the same house, With these policemen on the door, Stay together till we find him, I need you to call your families and tell them about staying at Samantha's House, Tell them not to worry, I'm not saying that you have to lock yourselves in this house but try to be careful, He maybe Mental but he is still dangerous."

So We all decided not to tell our families about the police or Mark or anything else But Staying at my house for a while.

Louis Harry and Niall went together to get some clothes for the rest while Zayn Liam And Tiff stayed with me, Ben and Carter went to their office and told us to call if anything happen,

Trying to comfort ourselves, we thought of it as a long sleep-over,

The next morning, I woke up on the floor we were watching a movie, Zayn and I were on the floor, while Louis Tiff and Niall were on a couch that only fits for two, Liam and Harry were on the other couch, I looked at Zayn, he looked tired, He hasn't been sleeping well, Nor eating well because of me and my problems, I decided to let them sleep for an hour or two,

I texted my mother as I sat in the kitchen, She always wakes up early, I told her that we're having a sleep-over, She didn't say anything, She only told me not to set the house on fire, after half an hour of texting, She had to go, And I had nothing else but to make some breakfast for the sleeping heads in my livingroom,

I heard my phone buzzing on the table, It was A text from, Criss,

"Hey Sam, I haven't seen you in a long time, And the bakery is closed, :( Wanna hang out?"

I looked at the phone, More like stared at it, I didn't know wht to say, "hey, I can't, there's a psychopath that is following us wherever we go"?

Suddenly someone screamed a 'BOO' in my ear, I almost dropped the phone,

I love how Louis can be so fun, even if there's a killer after us,

"What were you doing?", He asked, I didn't answer I just showed him the text,

"I don't like that guy, He's kinda strange"


"Yes, Werid, I'll explain later, what do you want to tell him?""

"I don't know, that 's why I showed you"

"Tell him that you're fine, And you're hanging out with us or something", And That I did.

While all of us were eating breakfast, There was a knock on the door, I got up and opened the door to see Ben and Carter, it's easier than officer Ben an Carter and they don't mind,

I led them to the kitchen, And as soon as they saw all of us together Ben said,

"We have good news and, Bad news"

"Uh, Let's go sit in the livingroom", Zayn said,

"So the good news is, We found the place Mark was staying in"

"That's Awesome", Niall said getting excited while all of us stayed silent .

"The bad news is, He doesn't work alone"

"What? Do you know who's working with him?" Tiff asked, She was reading all of our minds,

"Not yet, but our team is looking for fingerprints and anything that leads us to who and Why"

"Does any of you have any clue who that person might be?!"

No answer, I think all of us were thinking the same thing, Who would do this?

"Okay? Sam?", Carter called my name, I looked at him,

"Sam, you need to see these, We found these in the same place He was staying at", He handed me an envelop, I opened it carefully, I felt everyone looking at me,

I was shocked when I saw what's in it,



What do you think in the envelop?

The more votes I find the sooner I update

So Vote and comment alot

-Fatima ❤️

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