Chapter 39

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The next day I woke up next to Zayn on the Same Sofa,we were cuddling with the Pizza boxes on the table,

I made breakfast since it was alittle too early to be awake,

Why do I always wake up early?

I tried to wake Zayn up first but he was a heavy sleeper,

"Zayn?Zayn wake up"

No answer,



"Zayn,If you don't wake up,I'll eat all the breakfast"

"5 minutes Muuuuum",I grabbed his face,

"Zayn,I'm not your mother,Wake up",He pulled me to his Chest,


"Morning babe"

"No kissing in the livingroom,or anywhere else",Moms voice said,as she passed by the livingroom,which made me fall off Zayns lap,

"Sorry,"He said and pickied me up,

We Ate quickly and silently,Zayn probably was still embaressed,

"What happened to your eye Honey?"


"Uh,I got in a fight with one of the guys"He simply answered,

"Oh I hope you didn't get hurt"

"Nope,just this"He said pointing to his eye as he laughed it off,

I stayed silent,

"Well,I have to go to work"

"Oh,and Zayn?"


"Kick his ass next time",She added then High fived him,


"How are you?And what have you done to my mother?",I asked as they both laughed,then we drove to the bakery
,Before I walked out of the car,



"Take care babe",He said,aiming for my lips but I quickly turned so he kissed my cheeck,

"Hey!",I just winked,and got out of the car,

"Hi Harry"

"Morning Sam"

As soon as we unlocked the front door People started to come,The bakery was packed with People from all ages,Harry and I were running around,Trying to please everyone,

"It's Crazy",I said as Harry and I sat down,

"It is"He spoke as he handed me a cup of tea,Before I could take it,The bell rang telling us that there was another costumr

"I'll go",I said,

I went to the counter to see A man,That I knew so well,

"Hi Criss"

"Hello Sam,How are you?!"he asked,

"Good,how can I help you?"

"Well,I came here to have a cup of tea and to ask a pretty girl ,who works here,out!"

"Oh,Uh your tea will be up in a minute",I ignored the last Part,and turned to make the tea,

"Wait,",I stopped walking,"So?"

"I'm sorry,I can't,I kinda Have a boyfriend now"

"Oh,Who would lucky man be?"He asked,He looked disappointed,I felt sorry

"It-"before I could countinue,A voice said.

"Hi Babe",Zayn came closer and kissed my cheek,

"Sorry Criss,Didn't see you there".Zayn said looking at Criss,I Stepped on his foot,

"Uh,I'll go see Harry",He went to the kitchen

"Your tea will be up in a minute",

"Thank you",he said,I just smiled at him and went to the kitchen,He paid for his drink before he went to sit,

I saw Zayn taking a video of Harry who was slowly Falling asleep on the Chair,

I made Criss' tea real Quick,and handed him tea,

"Thank you",

"No problem"

"Sit with me?"He asked,I looked around scaning the area,but there was nobody,I looked at the Clock to see it was passing our closing time,But I sat down anyway,

He sipped his drink slowly,I could see that he was a little sad,About Zayn and I dating,



"We can be friends if you want?"I said,It came like a question,

"Ofcourse we can!",He said

We sat there in silence,It was kinda awkward,Till Zayn came,

"Sam?",He took a Chair and sat with us,Which was werid because I think they hate each other,


"It's 10"

"What?Really?",they both nodded,

"I should go,Thanks for the tea",

"No problem,"And he walked away,

"Where's Harry?",I asked Zayn,

"Shit,I almost forgot about him,He's sleeping"

"What a great friend you are!",I joked,

"I learned from the best",He winked and leaned down to kiss me,

The kiss didn't last much,but it was a great one,

"Can you wake Him up?While I lock the place down?"

"Sure babe",He Said and walked to the kitchen,minutes later I saw Zayn pulling A sleeping Harry,His arm around Zayns shoulder,


"What?Hurry up he's heavy",

"Let me take a photo"


"Yes,I'm done",I said as I clicked the photo,Zayn was smiling painfully at me while Harry was still sleeping,

Zayn pulled Harry behind him,Then I locked the doors,windows,and made sure that the machines are turned off,

I walked to Zayn's car which was parked across the street,I saw Harry's body in the back steats,I laughed,He must be really tired,



We drove in silent,It was a busy day,And my stomach hurt abit

"Whats wrong?you're quite!"

"I'm tired thats all"

"I'll drive to yours first then",He placed a hand on mine,

"No,It's Okay,I'll help you carry him",

"No,I won't let you,Hes heavy"

"Let's just hope police don't stop us and see him lying like that",I laughed,

Zayn walked with Harry to his house,Harry woke up half way,and soon Zayn got backand drove me to my house,

I went to bed and immediatly fell a sleep,

Hii guys

Sorry for the wait,

Finals suck 😭,pray for me!

So sorry for the mistakes in the chapters,I always re-read the chapter twice or three times,but Idk,sorry again

Hope you like this one?!

Vote and tell your friends ,dont forget to comment

-Fatima Al Taweel❤️😍😇

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