Chapter 59

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The ride home was silent, It's like we were both thinking, it was also long, or felt like it,

We stepped out of the car As soon As We reached the house, I don't remember keeping the lights on,

I looked at Zayn,

"What?" He asked,

"I- I didn't keep the lights on", I told him,

"Are you sure?"

"Yes",I added, "should I call the polise?"

"I don't know,Give me the keys", He said taking the keys from my hand, and Handed me another key,

"Sit in the car", He ordered,

"What? No."

"Sam, go sit in the car, And Call The boys", I unlocked the my phone, sat in the Car and called Liam first, i told him that Zayn needs him in my house and did the same with the others, Leaving Harry the last one, since he was sick, But he said that he'll come,

I watched the house, But didn't see any moving in there, Soon Zayn came out of the house, waving for me to come, I got out of the car and walked to Zayn,

"Is there anything wrong?", I asked when I saw him closing the door,

"Uh, I called the police, An-", He said but I cut him off by entering the house,

"Oh my god", I looked at the sight infront of me, Everything was broken, The whole house upside down, The glasses broke under my shoe, the table was upside down, The only the that was in it's place was the Tv which was connected to the wall,

"Uh, I found this", Zayn said Handing me a peice of paper, I read it out loud,

"No one ever kicks me out"

Mark did this, I won't be surprised if he burned the house, or the bakery,

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked to see Liam,

"When did you get here?", I saw the boys and Tiff behind me,

"Minutes ago, You were staring at the paper", Harry spoke, His voice Tired, and kinda Sad, I smiled at them,

"What happened here?", Asked Niall, While Zayn explained putting a hand around my waist, as he was saying that He's there, I love him

There was a knock on the door,Zayn opened it to see two police men, They spoke with Zayn and the boys while Tiff kept comforting me, Let's just say that my body wa with Tiff while my Mind was somewhere else,

I suddenly remembered something really important,

I ran to my room, Tiff ran after me, I started searching everywhere..


"Sam!", I heard Tiff scream,

"What are you looking for?"

"Sh-", I didn't finish what I was saying when I saw my Hard shelled friend under my bed, I picked her up,

"You scared me!"

"I'm sorry", I said, she pulled me in a hug.

Suddenly the boys Came in, We broke the hug, Tiff whipped a tear and walked out, Louis follwed her out

Zayn took a bag from my closet and started filling it with random clothes,

"What are you doing?" I asked,

"You're not staying here anymore", Zayn spoke,


"Sam, Please.", He looked at me,"Just for a day, I'll tell someone to clean the house, also the police said that they'll
Be watching Mark, and wouldn't let him come near us when they catch him", He said quickly, I nodded my head,

"I need some water", I went downstairs, I heard some voices in the kitchen, I remembered Tiff and Louis, I didn't mean to hear what they were saying but I did,

"I can't see my bestfriend like this Louis, She saved me twice and I can't do anything to help her", Tiff Said, I could tell that she was crying

"I know, We have to be strong for her, Sam needs us"

"Let's go", Tiff stood and walked to the bathroom to wash her face while Louis Sat in the kitchen, I walked in

"Hey", I spoke first,

"Hi, Are you okay?! You know about wh-"

"Yeah, I'm fine", I put Shampoo on the table, and took two Advils,

"Do I need To tell my mom?", i asked Him,

"I think you should"

"But that means she'll be giving up her work or taking me with her"

"It's our fault, We should've taken are of you like we promised,I-"

"No, Lou, It's Marks Fault only"

"But,", He stopped talking, probably realizing that it's true,

"Where's Tiff?", I asked changing the subject,

"Bathroom", He said taking Shampoo in his Arms,

The boys came down, My backbag on Zayn's shoulder, He looked at me and smiled a bit

"How about we go out for food?", Zayn asked, The boys cheered, They love their stomachs more than anything else,

"I meant me and Sam." He said, And recived some slapes from everybody,

"Sam, I also Called Mom and told her that you're coming over, and told her to hire a maid or two for the house", He explained,

"Zayn, I can clean the house"

"You Can, but I won't let you, Let's go", Zayn gave the keys to a Police man he knew, To give him to the maids when they come, We walked to the cars, Louis drove Tiff,Liam And Niall,Zayn took me and Harry, We went to the nearest Resturant which was My favorite. Pizza Hut.

For the first time I didn't feel like eating, Zayn kept telling me that I have to eat for him, At the end I ate half a slice,The boys were all eating silently along With Tiff when my phone rang, It was Mom,


"Hi Sam, How are you? What are you doing?, She spoke, I already miss her,

"I'm good, I'm with the guys eating, How are you?",They all looked at me, My brain was screaming to tell her, but my heart wasn't,

"We're fine, I'm about to go in a meeting, Are you eating well? Is the house clean?"

"I am, The house is clean, Everything's fine, Is everything fine?"

"I just feel like there's something wrong, How's the boys? Give the phone to Zayn", She said,

"U,h He went to pay along with Louis and the others went to the cars, I'll tell him when we arrive home, Don't be late to your meeting"

"I'll talk to you later, Bye", I ended the call and sighed,

"She wanted to talk to you, And I don't want her to know and make me leave you guys",

After rhat we all got in the cars, The boys left, Harry told me we don't have to work for the rest of the week to figure everything out and Went to Zayn's House,


Hi guys,

Im sorry, But I dont find Votes, I only found 4/5 which is killing me, The story is getting better, I hope you noticed,so Vote and comment as much as you can

-Fatima Al Taweel

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