Chapter 31

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I woke up not so long after to find myself on my bed,Poor Zayn,I couldn't sleep,I really don't know why!

I walked to the livingroom to find Zayn,fliping through the channels,

"Hey".I said,making him turn to face me,

"Hi,I thought you were sleeping".

"Not any more".I said as I sat next to him,

"I'll go heat the soup then".He smiled and got up,

"No",I pulled his wrist and made him sit,

"I feel like a baby,I'll heat it for us".I said and got up quickly before he could,I heard him say something which seemed like 'my baby',but I think,No,I know I heard wrong,

I heated the soup,It was the same soup he made me when I got sick,I smiled at the memory,

"Why are smiling?",Zayn said and being me I jumped,I turned to look at him,I saw him laughing,I love his laugh,okay,this sounds so weird,

"I,Nothing".I said,trying not to make eye contact,

"Can you pass me the plates?",I asked

"Oki doki",He sounds like 6 years old,It's so cute,I should stop,He's with Amanda,

"Here",He said handing me the two plates,

We sat down on the table opposite from each other,I was eating silently,but I could feel him looking at me every once in a while,I looked at him,when I did he looked at his plate,I smiled,

"Zayn?",I asked,which made him look at me,


"Where were you yesterday?",I asked,I regreted it after,he probably didn't want to talk abou it if he didn't mention it in the first place,

"You don't have to say,I got c-"

"It's okay,But you'll know soon"


"Sam,".I looked up at him,"Grab your jacket,we're going"


"I'll tell you when you get your jacket and phone,now hurry up".I looked at him,I wanted to check if he's okay,because that came out of nowhere,but he was smiling,so I went to my room,wore my jacket and put my phone in my pocket,

"I'm ready".I screamed while walking down the stairs,and at the last three steps my foot slipped,I prepared myself to hit the ground but I didn't,Again Zayn was here to save me,

I looked at him to see that our noses were almost touching,he looked at me,and I did the same,and soon we realized what was happening so we pulled a part,

"Thank you".I whispered,I could feel myself blushing,so I looked down,

"No problem,Now let's go",he grapped my wrist gentelly and walked me to the door,he locked the door after we got out,and we walked to his car,

He was driving silently,probably thinking about that awkward moment,so I decided to break the silence,I felt bad,

"Where are we going?"

"Do you really want to know?".He asked,looking at me and smiled widely,


"I won't tell you"





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