Chapter 60

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We arrived to Zayn's house, His Mom greeted us, But didn't ask why I was staying over, I wonder if Zayn told her, Zayn's sisters were out so Zayn led me to his room, He put the bag He packed on A chair,

"How are you feeling?"

"I, I really don't know, I hope They find Mark real quick"

"I do too, Go take a shower to relax, I'll see you in a bit"

"Thank you"

I did as I was told and went to the bathroom, I don't think it helped me relax, I wore an over sized jumper and jeans, and got out of the bathroom, Only to see Zayn with shampoo,


"Hey babe, Dinners ready"

"I'm no-"

"You are, Let's go", The whole family was waiting for us on the table, looks like the girls returned as I was in the shower,We sat down, Zayn next to me like usual, They started eating, I ate like two spoons and played with the rest,

"Sam, Hun? Are you okay?", Mrs. Malik asked,

"Yeah, Thanks for the food, it's delisious, I'm just a little bit tired."

"Can I get you something?",

"Thank you,", I smiled at them,

"Zayn take Sam to rest",

"Thank you,"

Zayn and I walked to his room, I sat on his bed, he soon joined and hugged me,

"I-I don't know what to do, I hate him, Why can't I live like any other person?We gave him what he wanted, what else does he want?", I cried into his Chest

"I don't know, but It's going to be fine, I'm here, I won't let anyone near you", he said comforting me, I just want to know what he wants...

I cuddled with Zayn as He rubbed my back, and soon I was sleeping...
I was home with Zayn, Tiff and the boys, we were all by the pool, laughing and speaking, Till Mark showed up with Mom and Aunt Sareh with him, they were crying, and they cried harder when they saw me, I soon realized that they were tied, I looked at the boys to see that they were tied too, They couldn't do anything

Mark stepped closer to me with a gun in his hands, He aimed it to my head and shot me...

"Sam!Sam wake up", I heard a voice, I opened my eyes to see Zayn, Shaking me, I looked at him, It was a dream, A Nightmare.

"Are you okay?" I nodded,

"I- I'm gonna go wash my face",

"Okay", I went to the bathroom, I looked at myself, I was sweating, My eyes were red and puffy, I washed my face again and again, till I heard a knock on the door,

"Sam?" I opened the door to see Zayn with a glass of water, He looked worried, and Kinda sad,

"Thank you", I looked at the clock to see it was 3 in the morning,

"I'm sorry, Go to sleep", I told Zayn,

"I'm not leaving you, You probably won't sleep thinking about the dream you had",

"I'm sorry"

"Wanna talk about it?" I thought about it, Mom always told me to talk about everything, Because Talking makes you feel better,

So I told my boyfriend, I told him about the nightmare, I now am more scared that Mark will do something to Harm My family and friends,

Zayn hugged me so tight, Like he was telling me that nothing's going to happen, soon Zayn slept with his arms around me, I stayed up alittle bit more then fell asleep.

I woke up alone, I paniced a bit, But then saw a peice of paper, With Zayn's Handwriting

"Good morning,
I'm down stairs, Change your clothes we're going out,
I love you"

I got out of bed, and changed into a random black Jeans with a clean hoodie,and My black Vans, I went down stairs to See Zayn and Mrs. Malik drinking coffee and reading a news paper,

"Morning", I said as I reached them

"Morning Hun", Mrs. Malik said, smiling,

"Morning babe", Zayn said, getting up,"Sam and I are out,We'll see you later", He added, taking my hand in his and pulling me to the door,

We got into his Car and started it, He looked at me,

"Are you okay?", He asked me,

"I really don't know, I just want to go home, Without the fear of being chased or being watched, what does he want from me?! We gave him what he wanted,"

"I'm sorry,we'll find him, Don't worry"

"I hope so, Where are we going?" , I asked, changing the subject.

"You'll see"

"I hate you"

"You love me", He said sticking his tounge out,

"I hate when you know that I don't hate you", I said,

As usual We turned on the radio, And sang, More like screamed the lyrics, suddenly Zayn's phone started ringing, I turned off the radio as Zayn answered,

"Hello?", "Okay, We'll be there, Don't worry, Okay, Thanks", That's what Zayn said, I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation,

"Wh-", I was about to ask when Zayn made a sharpe turn, which made me shut up, looks like we're not going out,


"We'll find out soon",

Zayn drove to my house, The policemen were there, Zayn opened the door and we got in to see the boys and two other police men Standing there probably waiting for us,

"Hello, This is Officer Carter and I'm Ben, We're the investigators, We'll be asking you some questions, Is that okay with you?", Ben asked, I looked at Zayn and we both nodded,

Ben gave me some photos to different people asking me if I could recognise Mark, And I soon did, He asked me other questions like when Did I first see him? And what did he want?

After a little bit Carter and Ben went to the police station and asked us to stay in the house.

The house was cleaned, Cleaner than ever, We sat down, Zayn next to me and soon I was sleeping, With my head on His chest, and his arms around me,


Hello?! Anybody here?

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Also, I'm so sorry about the mistakes, and hope you like it,

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-Fatima ❤️

Safe HeavenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz